Closing a Change Request

You can close a change request after it is successfully implemented and reviewed.

After a change is updated to implemented, the cost of the change is updated by rolling up the cost of all the associated tasks. The cost is also updated when the change is closed (in case additional tasks were completed after the change implementation). Along with the cost, the time specified in the Actual Effort field of each completed task is also rolled up to show the total time spent on the change, as shown in the Time field.

1.Log in to Service Manager as a Change Manager.

2.Open the Change workspace.

3.Open the change record to close.

4.Verify the following:

All tasks are completed.

All related records are resolved.

The post-implementation review has been conducted.

5.Set the Status field to "Closed".

6.Click Save. All the fields on the Change form become read-only. The Cost field is updated if additional tasks were associated with the change request after it was implemented.

The change requester is notified that the change request is now closed.