Exchange Calendar Configuration

With the Exchange Calendar Configuration you can synchronize the calendar items in Neurons for ITSM with your Office 365 calendar. This helps you receive notifications in your Office 365 account when a calendar item is created, deleted, or updated in Neurons for ITSM.

Ivanti Neurons for ITSM only uses Exchange Web Service (EWS) for Exchange calendar configuration. Microsoft Graph API is not supported.

Configuring the Exchange Calendar

1.Login to Neurons for ITSM with Administrator user role.

2.From the workspace menu, click More and select Exchange Calendar Configuration.

The Exchange Calendar Configuration workspace is displayed which will have a default out-of-the-box configured record.

3.Double-click the default record to view and edit it.

Though you can create a New Exchange Configuration account, it not advisable to do so. We suggest you to use the default record by editing the necessary fields since all the required business rules for it is setup in the backend.

Field Description/Value
Name Set out-of-the-box as Change Calendar Configuration, do not change the name.
Domain Name Provide a name for the domain (optional).
Server URL The URL of the Exchange Calendar server, which is -

Folder Name

Set out-of-the-box as calendar, do not change the name.

Exchange Version

Select the Microsoft Exchange Version you are using.


Select either Plain or Auth Login.


Email ID of the Exchange Calendar user account, example, [email protected]


(Shown only when you select Plain as the Authentication method.)

The password set for the user account. Do not set a new password here, provide the password of the Office 365 account that you are configuring for.

Client Login URL

(Shown only when you select AuthLogin as the Authentication method).

It is the endpoint URL. For example, This can be obtained from the Azure Active Directory where you have registered an application.

Client Resource URL

(Shown only when you select AuthLogin as the Authentication method).

The value to be used is

Client Tenant ID

(Shown only when you select AuthLogin as the Authentication method).

The directory (tenant) ID. This can be obtained from the Azure Active Directory where you have registered an application.

Client ID

(Shown only when you select AuthLogin as the Authentication method).

The application ID. This can be obtained from the Azure Active Directory where you have registered an application.

Client Secret Key

(Shown only when you select AuthLogin as the Authentication method).

The secret login key. This can be obtained from the Azure Active Directory where you have registered an application.

Using Auth Login

If you use Auth Login as the Authentication, you need to enable/disable the following Web Service Connections and Workflows:

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM with Administrator user role.

2.Open the Configuration console > Integration Tools > Web Service Connections.

3.Select the check boxes of:




4.Clear the check boxes of:




5.From the Configuration console > Business Object > Frs_CalendarItem > Workflows.

6.Click the delete icon at the end of the row associated with the following fields to delete.

Create Exchange Calendar Item

Delete Exchange Calendar Item

Update Exchange Calendar Item

7.Click Add New and add the below workflows:

Create Exchange Calendar Item OAuth

Delete Exchange Calendar Item OAuth

Update Exchange Calendar Item OAuth