Neurons for ITSM Discovery Utility

The Discovery utility contains tools to enable you to:

Migrate Ivanti HEAT Discovery Release 9.x settings to Neurons for ITSM. Click Migration Tool to open the utility which walks you through the process.

Test that all processes are running. Click Diagnostic Tool to open the diagnostic utility.

Click the desktop shortcut to open the Discovery Utility. The available tools are listed on the page.

Migration Tool

1.Click on Discovery Utility to open the utility

2.Select Migration Tool to open the Server Settings page and enter the following information:

Field Name Setting
Server Enter the path for the Neurons for ITSM server. Click Change Server if entering a different location than the one shown.

Select a tenant from the drop down if more than one is listed. This is the target for the settings.

a. Confirm the Discovery configuration and click Save Server Config.
b. Then click Go To Next.

3.At the Discovery Database Information page enter the following:

Field Name Setting
Discovery Database Server Enter the IP address or domain name for the server.
Database User

Enter the database user name.

Database password Enter the database user password.
User to access Discovery Share Enter the user name (usually this is the administrator).
User password Enter the password for the Discover Share user (usually the administrator).

Click Save the Config then click Go To Next.

4.At the Ivanti HEAT Discovery Migration Selection page, select the settings you want to migrate to Neurons for ITSM by checking the box. The options are:

Migrate User Input Script

Migrate SNMP setting

Migrate the subnet scan config

Migrate the VMHA (Virtual Machine Host Auditor) config

Migrate the Folder Exclude config

a. Confirm the selection by clicking Save the Migration Selection.
b. Click Go To Next.

5.At the Start the Migration based on previous settings page click Start Migration.

Diagnostic Tool

1.Click Discovery Utility to open the utility.

2.Select Diagnostic Tool to open the diagnostic page.

3.At the Test Servers page:
For Central Configure Host field, enter the name of the server where Neurons for ITSM is deployed.

4.Click on Get Tenant List to find available tenants and select a tenant from the drop-down list.

5.Click Start Test to check which processes are running on the selected tenant.

The test verifies whether or not the processes are running successfully.

If a process (such as the message queue) has stopped running, the list displays an error message.

After troubleshooting the error messages, you can restart the test by clicking Clear Record then Start Test.