Find and Replace Quick Action

About the Find and Replace Quick Action


About the Find and Replace Quick Action

The Find and Replace Quick Action evaluates the selected records or all records for any instances of the specified field that contain the specified current value. When it finds that field and current value, it replaces the current value with the new value.

Image of the find and replaceQuick Action block in the Graphical Action Designer.

Some fields do not support Find and Replace.


You can access parameters for the Find and Replace Quick Action block using the Block and Common tabs of the Settings pane. For more information on the Common tab settings, see Common Quick Actions.

Block Tab

Click on the Block tab in the Settings pane to view the parameters specific to the Find and Replace Quick Action.

Image of the Block tab of the Settings pane for the Find and Replace Quick Action block.

  • Field 1: Choose the name of the field to be displayed when you run the Find and Replace Quick Action.

  • : Adds a field.

  • To delete a field, click the X next to the field label.

Click Save to commit your changes.