Decompress Discovery Message Quick Action

About the Decompress Discovery Message Quick Action

The Decompress Discovery Message Quick Action block decompresses the message in the Message Queue Journal workspace so that you can view the discovered device details. You may want to do this after importing discovery data into Ivanti Neurons. For more information: Import Discovery Data from Ivanti Neurons

Decompress Discovery Message action block


You can access parameters for the Decompress Discovery Message Quick Action block using the Block and Common tabs of the Settings pane. For more information on the Common tab settings, see About Integration Quick Actions.

Block Tab

Access and configure block-specific parameters on the Block tab of the Settings pane.

Block settings for Decompress Discovery Message action block

  • Payload Field: Select a payload field from the message to decompress.
  • Max Decompressed Payload Size: Enter the maximum decompressed payload size in KB.

Note: Too large a payload size may result in a slower action execution time. Also you may only need to see the first part of your chosen payload field in order to check the data.

Click Save to commit your settings.