Insert Multiple Child Record Quick Action

About the Insert Multiple Child Record Quick Action

The Insert Multiple Child Record Quick Action action inserts multiple child records into a form or list, such as a new incident, field value, or a note.

Use this action to add levels of granularity, constructing additional expressions restricting the viewing and usage of the action to certain field states.


You can access parameters for the Insert Multiple Child Record Quick Action block using the Block and Common tabs of the Settings pane. For more information on the Common tab settings, see About Record Quick Actions.

Image of the Insert Multiple Child Record block.

Block Tab

Access and configure block-specific parameters on the Block tab of the Settings pane.

Image of the Block tab of the Settings pane for the Insert Multiple Child Record Quick Action block.

  • Click Insert Child Records to open the workspace for this action block in the Graphical Action Designer.

    Image of the workspace for the Insert Multiple Child Records Quick Action block.

  • Child Record: Select from the dropdown menu to select the name of the child record to insert. The fields that appear next are based on this value.

  • Quantity: Enter the quantity of child records you want to insert, or use the Expression Editor to construct an expression to calculate the value to insert when you run the Quick Action.

  • Field Name: The name of the field.

  • Field Value: The value of the field (you may use the Expression Editor to construct an expression to calculate the value or enter a number).

  • Click the + icon to add a field to the list.

  • Click the delete icon to remove a field from the list.