Styling the Self Service Mobile Portal
You can configure the look and feel of the Self Service Mobile portal using the Self Service tab in the Style Editor.
The following are the steps to customize the Self Service Mobile portal:
- From the Configuration console console, click Build > User Interface Styles > Style Editor. The application displays the Style Editor page.
- Click the Self Service tab.
- Use the options in this tab to customize the Self Service Mobile portal to suit your taste.
- Edit Self Service Widget - takes you to the Self Service Mobile portal in edit-mode where you can design the Self Service Mobile dashboards for different Self Service Mobile extended roles.
- Edit Enterprise Self Service Page - takes you to the Enterprise Self Service page in an edit-mode where you can design the page.
To restore the Self Service Mobile portal to its default configuration, click the Remove Customization icon at the top of the Style Editor page, next to the Role list.
Section | Parameter | Description |
Select Theme |
Text |
The Self Service Mobile user interface theme. For more information on recommended color codes to be used, see Recommended color codes. |
Common | Text | The text color of all items in the home page, including dashboard panels. |
Background | The background color of the home page. | |
Image |
The background image on the upper part of the home page. Recommended format, size, and resolution: jpg, .png, 2 MB, and 1920 (width) x 550 (height). |
Footer Image |
The Background image on the lower part of the home page. Not applicable when Legacy theme is set. |
Link | The text color of any links on the home page. | |
Border | The color of all borders on the home page, including borders around dashboard panels and borders under headings. | |
Mouseover | The background color of text when you hover your mouse over it. | |
Active | The background color of text when it is the active line in a list. | |
Panels | Background | The background color of all panels and dialog windows. |
Header Color | The text color of the text in all panel headers. | |
Header Background | The background color of all panel headers. | |
Buttons | Text | The text color of buttons. |
Background | The background color of buttons, such as in the chat area. | |
Highlighted Color | The background color of a selected button. | |
Highlighted Text | Text color of a selected button. | |
Header | Logo |
The Self Service Mobile user interface logo and enables you to replace it with your own logo. Recommended format and size: .svg and 1 Mb. |
Text | The color of the menu icon and IT Support Portal. | |
Background | The color of the header background. | |
Accent (Header) | Visible |
The accent is a horizontal line at the bottom of the header. True means visible. False means not visible. |
Width |
The width of the accent line, from 0 to 38 pixels. The accent paints over the header. |
Color | The color of the accent line. | |
User Panel Info | Text | The color of the menu button and IT Support Portal. |
Background | The color of the user panel background. | |
Accent (User Panel) | Visible |
The accent is a horizontal line at the bottom of the user panel. True means visible. False means not visible. |
Width |
The width of the accent line. The first 200 pixels paints over the user panel. Additional pixels paint over the navigation menu. |
Color | The color of the accent line. | |
Navigation Menu
Text |
The color of the text in the navigation menu. |
Background |
The color of the background in the navigation menu. |
Mouseover |
The background color of text when you hover your mouse over it. |
Active |
The background color of text when it is the active line in the menu. |
Widget |
Image |
Recommended format and size: .svg and 1 MB. |
•If the user panel and navigation menu are not visible in the right pane, click the menu icon to display them.
• For information on making color changes, see Working with Colors in the Style Editor.
Recommended sizes for images
Recommended color codes
This is introduced in 2021.2 and applicable for existing customers, new customers installing Neurons for ITSM version 2021.2 have is set up out-of-the-box.
- In the Configuration console, click Build > User Interface Styles > Style Editor.
- Select Self Service and select a Theme.
- It is recommended to set the color codes given in the below table for better user experience.
Section Parameter Description
Color Code
Common Text Text color of all items in the home page, including dashboard panels.
Background Background color of the home page.
Link Text color of any links on the home page.
Border The color of all borders on the home page, including borders around dashboard panels and borders under headings.
Mouseover Background color of text when you hover your mouse over it.
Active Background color of text when it is the active line in a list.
Background Background color of all panels and dialog windows.
Header Color Text color of the text in all panel headers.
Header Background Background color of all panel headers.
Text Text color of buttons.
Background Background color of buttons.
Highlighted Color Background color of buttons that are highlighted.
Highlighted Text Text color of buttons when they are highlighted.
Text color of the header bar area.
Background For a gradient texture, use different colors for the Background and Background Center fields. For a solid texture, use the same color for both.
User Info Panel Text Color of text in the user info panel.
Background Background color of the user info panel.
Navigation Menu
Navigation menu text color.
Background color of the navigation menu.
Navigation menu text color when you hover your mouse.
The color highlight of the menu that is currently selected/active.
Adding a New Logo to the Self Service Mobile Portal
In the Self Service Mobile portal, logos are scaled to fit a 27-pixel vertical space in the header. Because scaling reduces image quality, the preferred logo dimensions are 27 pixels high and up to 200 pixels wide. The maximum logo dimensions are 650 pixels high by 650 pixels wide.
To add a new logo to the Self Service Mobile user interface, do the following:
1.Access the Style Editor. See Accessing the Style Editor.
2.Click the Self Service tab.
3.From the Header section, click Upload file.
4.Click the Select File icon .
5.Browse for the logo on your to add and double-click the file name.
The application displays the new logo in place of the default logo and on the header in the right pane.
The application marks the unsaved value with a red triangle at the left and the Revert icon
at the right.
6.Click Save.
Restoring the Default Logo for the Self Service Mobile User Interface
To restore the default logo for the Self Service Mobile user interface, do the following:
1.Access the Style Editor. See Accessing the Style Editor.
2.Click the Self Service tab.
3.In the Header, click the current logo.
4.Click the Delete Uploaded File icon .
5.The application deletes the current logo and displays the default Neurons for ITSM logo in its place.
The application marks the unsaved value with a red triangle at the left and the Revert icon
at the right.
6.Click Save.