About Ivanti Neurons for PPM 2022.4

Ivanti Neurons for PPM adds extra Portfolio and Project Management (PPM) functionality into the existing Neurons for ITSM system.

Minimum platform version requirements: Ivanti Neurons for ITSM 2022.3

Prerequisites: Contact Ivanti Professional Services Organization (PSO) to obtain and install Neurons for PPM, part of the Neurons for ITSM Enterprise paid enhancement package.

Neurons for PPM offers several enhancements to the out-of-the-box (OOTB) PPM features:

Create Demands: Demand management is the process an organization puts in place to internally collect new ideas, Projects, and needs during the creation of a Portfolio.

Resource Planning: Provides Project Managers the ability to forecast and plan resources based on available capacity.

Demand Scorecards: Provides Demand Management an aid in evaluating new Demands using a scorecard to rank priority and effort.

Several new business objects are included with Neurons for PPM:

Demands: Demands, which start as ideas, are evaluated by a Demand Manager. Once a Demand is reviewed and accepted, it becomes a Project. Neurons for PPM includes Demand as a service catalog item, so anyone with access to the Self Service can submit a Demand.

Benefit Plans: Use the Benefit Plan to illustrate the value and opportunity cost of a Demand.

Strategic Objectives: These are documented executive-level business objectives that help guide the approved initiatives/Projects. They can be associated with Portfolios, Demands, and Projects.

Resource Plans: During the Evaluating or Assessing phases, verify role availability using resource planning. You can check Roles to see if they are available to execute the scope of the Demand in the requested timeframe.

Neurons for PPM updates to OOTB items:


Updated Header and Overview form.

Added Estimated Start Date and Estimated End Date fields to Overview form.

Added Area, Type, and Completion % fields to Details tab.


Added a Demands tab.

Added an Estimated Effort field to the Portfolio Details tab; this is calculated from the Projects included in the Portfolio.

Added a new set of budget-related fields on the Portfolio Overview form. In addition to OOTB Allocated Budget and Consumed Budget fields, there is now a Remaining Budget, Estimated Consumed Budget, and Estimated Remaining Budget calculation. Estimated fields are calculated including Demands in the Portfolio that are in Assessing status. Project budget information is also included. In the Demands tab, you can select a Demand, then select Remove from Budgets or Include in Budgets to see how the overall Portfolio budget is affected.

Sub-Budget Items

Cost Items are now associated with Sub-Budget Items instead of Project Phases.

Added a Fiscal Year field in the Sub-Budget Plan form.

PPM User Roles

Neurons for PPM provides the Demand Manager user role in addition to the OOTB Portfolio Manager and Project Manager roles.


The Demand Dashboard is available only for Demand Manager, Project Manager, and Portfolio Manager user roles.

Demands by Status

New Demands

My Demands

Demands Awaiting Approval

The Demand Management dashboard