Create a New Record Quick Action

About the Create a New Record Quick Action

The Create a New Record action inserts a business object into a form or list, such as a new incident, field value, or a note. Use this action to add levels of granularity, constructing additional expressions restricting the viewing and usage of the action to certain field states.

Image of the Create a New Record block in the graphical action designer


To access the parameters select the Action Block to display them in the Settings pane.

Action Block Setings

Block Label: A unique name for the block. This is useful to identify each action when you have more than one of the same action block added or cloned in the design area.

Business Object: The business object to insert. Select from the drop-down list. The fields that appear are based on this value.

Field Name: The name of the field.

Field Value: The value of the field.

Add Field: Adds a field to the list.

Click Save to commit your settings.

Start Block Settings

These settings are accessed by selecting the Start Block, see Start Block Settings.