
This function allows you to query a web service response to find and return a single value based on the provided JSON path.


JSONPathValue(textValue, path)

Enabled For

For a description of the business object categories, see Notes on "Enabled For".

Business Object Category Yes/No
Business Rules: Before-Save Rules Yes
Business Rules: Calculation Rules (After Save, with or without Also Recalculate on Load) Yes1
Business Rules: Calculation Rules (Before Save or Always, without Also Recalculate On Load) Yes
Business Rules: Calculation Rules (Before Save or Always, with Recalculate On Load) Yes1
Business Rules: Editing Rules Yes2
Business Rules: Initialization Rules Yes
Business Rules: Read Only Rules No
Business Rules: Required Rules Yes2
Business Rules: Validation Rules Yes
Client Expressions No
Object Permissions No
Services No
Mobile No
Quick Actions (except UI Quick Actions) Yes
UI Quick Actions No
Reports Yes
Search/Dashboard without field references No
Search/Dashboard with field references No
  1. Not fully supported in calculation rules that have a condition of After Save or the Also Recalculate on Load option selected. It may fail if the rule's field is used in a grid, form, or saved search.
  2. Except when this field appears on a form or is triggered by such a field.


Parameter Description
textValue Input JSON document


JSON path

Return Value

Returns a single value based on the provided JSON path.




"store": {

"book": [


"author":"Nigel Rees",



"title":"Sayings of the Century",



"author":"Evelyn Waugh",



"title":"Sword of Honour",



"author":"Herman Melville",




"title":"Moby Dick",



"author":"J. R. R. Tolkien",




"title":"The Lord of the Rings",




}', "$.store.book[?(@.author=~/Melville$/)]"))



"author": "Herman Melville",

"category": "fiction",

"isbn": "0-553-21311-3",

"price": 8.99,

"title": "Moby Dick"
