Defining CIs for Change Enablement

Each step of the Change Enablement setup process is carried out on through tt mhe Application Setup - Change Enablement page. To find the setup page

  1. Log in as an Administrator and open the Configuration console.
  2. From the Settings pane, select Configure > Organizational Profile > Application Setup.
  3. In the Application Setup workspace, select Change Management to display the Application Setup - Change Enablement page.

Defining the Configuration Items for Change Enablement

Use the Application Setup - Configuration Items page to select the configuration items to be controlled by Change Enablement.

When enabling change control for a configuration item, you must manually add the IsInChangeControl Boolean field to related forms and lists, and add the baseline child panel to related layouts. After you enable change control, add the Run Baseline quick action.

  1. Click Configuration Items. The application displays the Application Setup - Configuration Items page with the configuration items listed below.
    • AccessPoint: Subscriber connection to the network.
    • BatchJob: Executing a series of non-interactie jobs as one job.
    • Cluster: Connection of two or more computers for tasks such as parallel processing, load balancing and fault tolerance.
    • Computer: Physical computer with a generic role rather than acting as a workstation or server.
    • Contract: Legal document managed and stored in the application.
    • Database: Managed database.
    • Document: Generic category for stored documents.
    • EnterpriseApplication: Applications designed to work with other applications used within the organization, and to be deployed across a variety of networks.
    • ESX: A VMware server for deploying and serving virtual computers.
    • FAX: Facsimile machine.
    • Firewall: Hardware-based firewall for your network.
    • Generator: Physical device for generating power.
    • Hub: Common connection point for devices in a network.
    • Middleware: Middleware
    • MobileDevice: Mobile hardware such as a cell phone or PDA.
    • Monitor: Physical computer monitor.
    • PeripheralDevice: Computer device, such as a CD-ROM drive or printer, that is not part of the essential computer.
    • Phone: Desktop telephone.
    • Printer: Displays and manages all printers and related data within the configuration management database.
    • ProductivityApp: Software used to enhance productivity (word processing, spreadsheet, etc.)
    • Rack: Physical rack used for mounting computer hardware.
    • Router: Device that forwards data packets along networks.
    • SAN: High-speed subnetwork of shared physical storage devices. Each storage device contains a disk or disks for storing data.
    • Scanner: Physical scanning device for digitizing images.
    • Server: Physical network server.
    • Service: Method of sharing business logic, data, and processes.
    • Switch: Device that filters and forwards packets between LAN segments.
    • System: System that collects and stores data.
    • UnknownDevice: Any device that the application discovers on the network, but is unable to determine what kind of a device it is. For example, there could be a VoIP phone on the network, and the application saw it watching network traffic. The application may ask it if it is using SNMP, and if there is no answer, the application lists it as an unknown device.
    • UPS: Uninterruptible power supply, a power supply that includes a battery to maintain power in the event of a power outage. Typically, a UPS keeps a computer running for several minutes after a power outage, enabling you to save data that is in RAM and shut down the computer gracefully.
    • Video Conference: Videoconferncing equipment.
    • VirtualServer: Virtual machine instance used as a server.
    • VirtualWorkstation: Virtual machine instance used as a workstation.
    • VOIP: Voice Over IP.
    • Workstation: Physical computer workstation.
  2. Click the checkbox next to the name of a configuration item to allow it to be controlled by the Change Enablement process.