Dashboard V2

Dashboard V2 is the improved modern UI available from version 2023.4. Functionally it works same as the regular classic Dashboard, the major difference is its visually appealing UI.

Enabling Dashboard V2


Raise a Service Ticket to Ivanti Operations team to enable the Dashboard V2 feature.

Adding the Dashboard V2 to a role:

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM as an Administrator.

2.In the Configuration console, select Users and Permissions > Roles and Permissions, then select the Admin role.

3.Select Top Level Tabs > Home.

4. In the Top Level Tabs window, locate the Home entry, and then click the red cross at the far right of the entry to delete the tab.

If the Dashboard workspace is not configured as your Home tab, then select the tab that is set as Dashboard.

5.Select Add New Tab > Dashboard V2.

6.Change the Name field to Home.

7.Select the The Tab Is Initially Visible check box. This displays the Dashboards on the Home page.

8.Click Save.


Tiles in the Dashboard V2 workspace gives a snapshot of the user's work. For example, a Service Desk Analyst will have tiles displaying the number of open incidents, number of high priority incidents, or the number of security incidents. This gives them a synopsis of their work.

Dashboard V2

Creating Tiles

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM as an Administrator.

2.From the Home workspace, click All Dashboards.
The list of all available Dashboards is displayed.

3.Locate the Dasboard entry you want to edit, and then click the Edit icon under the Actions column.
The Dashborad you selected opens in edit mode.

4.From the right-side panel, select the Tiles drop-down, and then click New.
The Tile Editor opens.

5.Enter the following information in the Tile Editor page:

Name - Enter a contextual name for the primary input.

Description - Enter a relevant description.

Tile Type - Select one of the following option:

Count - Data is displayed as a number. Example, it can be used for displaying the number of open incidents, closed incidents, etc.

Percentage - Data is displayed as a percentage number. Example, it can used for displaying percentage of closed incidents in a quater.

Sum - Data is displayed as a sum total number. Example, it can be used to display the total time spent on incidents resolved.

Average - Data is displayed as a number by averaging the total. Example, it can be used to display the average time spent on each incident resolution. If the total time spent on resolving 10 incidents were 85 minutes, then average time spent on each incident is 8 minutes and 30 seconds.

Object - Business Object the tile data is based on. For example, Incident or Change.

Select Field from Relationship - (Optional) select this checkbox if you using data in the tile from a related Business Object field of the main Business Objects.

Example, if you want to display the Total Resolution Time, you will need to select this check box as the data can be fetched from the Incident's related Business Object - Escalation Watch.

Relationship - Displayed only if the Select Field from Relationship check box is selected. Select the related Business Object. Example, Escalation Watch Via Incident Association.

Field - Select the field of the Business Object from which data is pulled into the tile. Example, TotalRunningDurationInHours.

Unit of Field - Enter the unit of the field. Example, enter Hours if the data represents time, enter $ if the data represents price.

Primary Saved Search - This is the first input for the tile. Select a Saved Search, for example, All Active incident or All Open Incidents.

Show Comparison - Select the checkbox if you want to compare two inputs.

Secondary Name - Enter a contextual name for the secondary input.

Secondary Saved Search - Enabled only if the Show Comparison is selected. This is the second input for the tile. Select a Saved Search, for example, All Resolved Incidents or All Closed Incidents.

Is indirectly related to the primary saved search - Select the checkbox when the Primary Saved Search data is greater than the Secondary Saved Search data and you want it to be displayed as a positive number.

6.Click Save.

7.If you want to add the tile to the Dashboard, follow the next procedure below.

Add a Tile to a Dashboard

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM as an Administrator.

2.From the Home workspace, click All Dashboards.

The list of all available Dashboards is displayed.

3.Locate the Dasboard entry you want to edit, and then click the Edit icon under the Actions column.
The Dashborad you selected opens in edit mode.

4.From the right-side panel, select the Tiles drop-down.

5.Select the tile from the list, and then drag it into position on the Dashboard.

6.Click Save.

7.To exit edit mode, click the arrow at the top-left of the page.
This returns you to the All Dashboards list.

8.Click Close.

Remove a Tile from a Dashboard

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM as an Administrator.

2.From the Home workspace, click All Dashboards.

The list of all available Dashboards is displayed.

3.Locate the Dasboard entry you want to edit, and then click the Edit icon under the Actions column.
The Dashborad you selected opens in edit mode.

4.From the Dashboard, click the icon with three vertical dots on the top-right of the tile you want to remove.

5.Click Remove.

6.Click Save.

7.To exit edit mode, click the arrow at the top-left of the page.

This returns you to the All Dashboards list.

8.Click Close.

Example 1 - Active Change

Let us create a Tile to display All Active Changes vs Pending Approval Changes.

1.Enter the following details in the Create New Tile Dashboard Part page.

Name - Active Change

Description - All active changes

Tile Type - Count

Object - Change

Primary Saved Search - Active Changes

ShowComparison - select the checkbox

If you do not select this checkbox, you cannot input the secondary data, and therefore you cannot compare data.

Secondary Name - Pending Approval

Secondary Saved Search - Changes Pending Approval

Is indirectly related to the primary saved search checkbox - do not select

The primary input data is flagged in red indicating it as a warning as shown in the image below.

Tile Preview - Primary input data flagged red

Is indirectly related to the primary saved search checkbox - select

The primary input data is flagged green indicating it is a positive sign as shown in the image below.

Tile Preview - Primary input data flagged green

Example 2 - Sum and Average Incident Resolution Time

Let us create a tile to display the total time spent in closing incidents.

1.Enter the following details in the Create New Tile Dashboard Part page.

Name - Incident Resolution Total Time.

Description - Total Time taken to resolve/close incidents.

Tile Type - Sum.

Object - Incident.

Select Field from Relationship - select the check box.

Relationship - select the related Business Object - Escalation Watch Via Incident Association.

Field - select the TotalRunningDurationInHours field.

Unit of Field - enter the unit as Hours.

Primary Saved Search - select Response Time Current Quarter.

ShowComparison - select the checkbox to compare data from the previous quarter.

If you do not select this checkbox, you cannot input the secondary data, and therefore you cannot compare data.

Secondary Name - enter Previous Quarter Resolution Time.

Secondary Saved Search - select Response last Current Quarter.