Viewing Layouts

Viewing the Layouts List

Viewing a Layout for a Business Object or a Pick List

Creating a Workspace for Viewing Layouts

Viewing the Layouts List

Layouts are tied to specific business objects, and you can only view a list of layouts for each.

Do one of the following to view a list of layouts:

From a business object, click the Layouts tab.

From the Configuration Console, click Build > Page Layouts to open the Page Layouts workspace.

Viewing a Layout for a Business Object or a Pick List

You can easily see all layouts in the application for a business object or a validation business object (pick list).

1.From the Configuration console, click Build > Object Explorer. The application displays the Object Explorer workspace.

2.On the left, expand either the Business Objects heading or the Pick Lists heading to show all of the items under the heading. Only business objects or pick lists that have layouts are listed.

3.Expand the Layouts heading to show all of the layouts for that business object or pick list.

4.Click the name of a layout. The application displays the layout on the right side.

Creating a Workspace for Viewing Layouts

In addition to viewing the layouts for a business object or pick list in the Configuration console, you can also create a similar workspace in the application for other roles to see these layouts, even if they do not have access to the Configuration console.

1.From the Configuration console, click Configure> Users and Permissions > Roles and Permissions. The application displays the Roles and Permissions workspace.

2.Click the role to create the workspace for. Only users who log in with this role can see the new workspace. You can create additional workspaces for other roles if needed by following these steps again. The application displays the Role Details page for the role that you selected.

3.Click Top Level Tabs.

4.Click Add New Tab. The application displays the Add New Tab page.

5.From the list, click Object Explorer.

6.Enter a name for the new workspace. This is the name that users see in the Neurons for ITSM application.

7.Click Add This Tab.

8.On the Top Level Tabs page, click Save.

9.To verify that the workspace displays properly, do the following:

Log in to the application with the role in which you created the new workspace.

From the header bar, click More... and in the Search objects field, enter the name of the workspace that you created.

The application displays the new workspace.