Testing an Action Assigned to a Webhook Endpoint

You can pass JSON or XML sample data to test data mapping between an external tool and the Action before you save it. This enables you to verify that the Action is valid before you send events from an external tool.

1.Start Creating a Webhook.

2.After entering information into the fields, click Test Action.

3.Paste valid JSON or XML that you expect to be sent from the external tool to the webhook endpoint into the Webhook Body.

Note: The Character Count on the right shows you how close you are to the 100,000 character limit.

4.Click Format Code.

If the JSON or XML is not valid or will be too long after formatting, you get information about the error so you can fix it. If the supplied code is valid, it gets formatted for you.

5.Select Save Business Object after action if you wish to commit your test result to the business object.

This option defaults to OFF to stop accidental committals.

6.Click Test.

A response appears in the Response section.