Using Read and Unread Flags

About Read and Unread Flags

Using the Read and Unread Flags

About Read and Unread Flags

The read and unread flags are only available for incidents, service requests, problems, changes, releases, and projects.

Read and unread flags are available beginning with Neurons for ITSM Release 2016.2. The application only displays the flags for notes (journal entries) or emails. You must be the owner of a record to see the flags and associated toolbar button. Self Service users do not see the read and unread flags.

When viewing a list of records, the application displays a bar next to a record that only the record owner can see. The bar alerts you that there is a new note or incoming email. The application displays a toolbar button that lets you set the flag as needed.

Changing the ownership of the record does not affect the flag status for existing notes or emails that are unread (or were marked as unread) by the previous owner. They also show as unread for the new owner of the record.

Using the Read and Unread Flags

1.Log in to the application in any role except Self Service.

2.Open any business object that contains a record that you own.

The read and unread flags are only available for incidents, service requests, problems, changes, releases, and projects.

3.To determine which records have unread notes or emails, view the record in a list. The application displays an indicator (typically a blue bar, but you can change this) on the left of any record that has an unread note or email.

Unread Flag for an Individual Record in a List

4.To determine which notes or emails for a record are unread, open the record and click the Details tab. The application displays an indicator (typically a blue bar, but you can change this) on the left of any note or email that is unread.

Unread Flag for an Individual Note or Email

5.To mark all unread notes and emails for a record as read, click Mark All As Read on the toolbar.

Marking All Unread Notes and Emails as Read

6.To only mark a single note or email as read, do the following:

Click the edit icon on the note or email to open it. The application displays the Mark as Read button.

Click Mark As Read to mark the note or email as read, then save it.

Click Refresh to refresh the page.

7.To mark a single note or email as unread, for example if it needs special attention or follow-up, do the following:

Click the edit icon on the note or email to open it. The application displays the Mark as Unread button.

Click Mark as Unread to mark the note or email as unread, then save it.

Click Refresh to refresh the page.