Modifying the Vote Approval Go To Button

Before HEAT Release 2014.3, users would click Go to on the Approval form, which would open the grandparent business object (such as service request, change, or knowledge) in a new browser window or tab, causing multiple instances of the application to be open simultaneously. As of HEAT Release 2014.3, the record opens a new tab within the application in the current window. Users upgrading from older versions might need to manually configure this button to work as needed.

These procedures only apply to users upgrading to HEAT Release 2014.3 and not to new users.

Manually configuring this feature consists of three phases:

Step 1: Creating a Quick Action

Step 2: Updating the Form

Step 3: Testing the Process

Step 1: Creating a Quick Action

1.Create a UI Action quick action. Refer to UI Action Quick Action.

2.Enter the following values:

Field Value
Name Go to grandparent.
Scope ObjectWorkspace
Command Id Search
Confirmation null (do not include any quotes)
Command Data { 'ObjectType':'$(PrimaryParentObject)#', 'SearchCriteria':[ {'ObjectId':'$(PrimaryParentObject)#','FieldName':'RecId','Condition':'=', 'FieldValue':'$(PrimaryParentRecId)'} ], 'FillSearchPanel':'false' }

3.From the Publish drop-down menu, choose All. This allows all available roles to execute the quick action.


Step 2: Updating the Form

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Business Object to open the Business Objects workspace.

2.Open the Approval Vote Tracking business object.

3.Click Forms.

4.Click FRS_ApprovalVoteTracking. The Approval Vote Tracking form page appears.

5.Delete the Go to button.

6.Drag a Command Button onto the form in its place. (Refer to About the "Other" Form Controls).

7.Enter the following values:

Field Value
Action Choose the Go To Grandparent quick action you created earlier.
Label Go to
Width 6 em

The remaining values can stay as they are.

Step 3: Testing the Process

From the Approval Vote Tracking form of a record, click Go To. The grandparent record should open in a new tab within the application and not in a new browser window or tab.