Using Form Field Types


When fields are stored in the database in encrypted view, use this field to maximize security for stored text. In contrast with symmetrically encrypted text, this text cannot be restored without an externally stored private key.

Ivanti Neurons for ITSM uses an asymmetric algorithm for encryption. In this use case, Asymmetric means that there are two parts of key: public and private. The public key can be widely known and used for encryption, but for decryption, the private part of key must also be known. Neurons for ITSM stores only the public key, so that the data can only be decrypted by a user who knows the private key as well as the public key.

In the Fields workspace, this is displayed as AssymmetricallyEncryptedString.

Due to decryption and performance issues, use this type only when necessary.

Parameter Description
Type Binding

Public Crypt Key

Public half of an asymmetrical encryption key. Neurons for ITSM does not store the private half of the key.


Stores large binary files such as images.

In the Fields workspace, this is displayed as Binary(Max) or Binary(a) where a is the value of the Variable, max parameter.

Parameter Description
Binary Length
Variable, max The maximum number of characters allowed to be stored in a field entry (maximum 2000 characters allowed).


Allows an unlimited number of characters or bytes to display.

Full-Text Properties
Type Column Only used when the value of the Binary Length field is set to Unlimited. Use this for storing the document type for any document (such as an image) that is represented in binary format in the database. It contains file extensions such as .doc, .jpg, .pdf, and so on.

The default language to use for full-text indexes. The set of languages to choose from is from Microsoft SQL Server and therefore you cannot modify the values that are displayed here.


To change this field, under Field Attributes, ensure that Full-text Indexed is checked and Localized is unchecked. Select a new value from the dropdown list.

Pick List


Field Attributes
Full-text Indexed

Specifies that the field is full-text indexed. Neurons for ITSM indexes unique words for fields that are marked as full-text indexed and uses them in full-text search and simple keyword search in the business object workspace.


We recommend setting only a limited number of fields to full-text indexed. Setting too many fields can cause performance issues.


The simplest type that allows you to store Boolean values of true or false.

In the Fields workspace, this is displayed as Boolean.

Parameter Description
Pick List

Specifies that any pick lists that include this field are validated pick lists.

Pick List Name

Only displayed if you checked Validated.

N/A Only displayed if you checked Validated.
N/A Only displayed if you checked Validated.
Is State Transition Only displayed if you checked Validated.


A compound value that consists of an amount and a currency code.

In the Fields workspace, this is displayed as Currency(a,b) where a is the value of the Total Number Of Digits parameter and b is the value of the Precision parameter.

Parameter Description
Type Binding
Total Number Of Digits Number of digits allowed in the data value.

The number of digits used after the decimal symbol in the data value.

Zero shows only whole numbers.

Pick List

Specifies that any pick lists that include this field are validated pick lists.

Pick List Name

Only displayed if you checked Validated.

N/A Only displayed if you checked Validated.
N/A Only displayed if you checked Validated.
Is State Transition Only displayed if you checked Validated.


Stores date and time entries. If you store a date and a time together, internally, the application stores them as UTC but shows them to the user in the time zone associated with the user, with a few exceptions such as email and workflow. Most values consist of only a date and a time, but you can include a time zone, too.

Use this field type to store the following:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Time zone
  • Date and time
  • Time and a time zone
  • Date, time, and time zone
  • ...but not a date and time zone.

Include the time zone to store a specific time zone with a date and time. For example, to schedule an event in the time zone in which the event occurs, such as 2pm in the Eastern time zone, create a field with a time and a time zone. The result is 2pm Eastern time, instead of the corresponding time in the user's time zone.

If you include a time and a time zone, but no date, the application assumes that you are in the current half of the year, in relation to daylight savings time. For example, to schedule a meeting every day at 2pm, use this combination. The meeting stays at 2pm even after daylight savings time starts or ends.

In the Fields workspace, this is displayed as one of the following:

  • Date: Date only
  • Time: Time only
  • Date/Time: Date and time only
  • TimeOnlyTimeZone: Time and time zone only
  • TimeZone: Date, time, and time zone
Parameter Description
Type Binding


Includes the date in a DateTime field.


Includes the time in a DateTime field.

Time zone

Automatically shows the time zone list.

Pick List

Specifies that any pick lists that include this field are validated pick lists.

Pick List Name

Only displayed if you checked Validated.

N/A Only displayed if you checked Validated.
N/A Only displayed if you checked Validated.
Is State Transition Only displayed if you checked Validated.


In the Fields workspace, this is displayed as Guid.


Allows you to link one business object to another.

In the Fields workspace, this is displayed as Link.

Parameter Description
Type Binding


The relationship to use for this field. You cannot set this field when you create the field. You must set the value for this field after you create a relationship with this field.


Create the field and save it. Then create a relationship using this field and save it. Then return to this page to update the field. To change the value, select either not set or the name of the relationship. The application displays the relationships that have this link field selected as a foreign key.

Restrict To

Displays the name of the related business object when the relationship specifies a standalone business object or a member business object. When the relationship specifies a group business object as the related business object, you can restrict the relationship to a specific group.


Create the field and save it. Then create a relationship using this field and save it. Then return to this page to update the field. To change the value, click the value and select a new value from the dropdown list.


The binding type for the relationship for this field. The application automatically populates this field after you create a relationship with this field. You cannot change this value.

Component Fields
Linked object id field The application automatically populates this field by appending "_RecID" to the field name. You cannot change this value.
Linked object type field The application automatically populates this field by appending "_Category" to the field name. You cannot change this value.


Includes integers and real numbers. You can specify the precision.

The maximum limit for the number of digits is 15. If you input more than 15 digits, the last extra digits are deleted automatically when you exit the number field.

In the Fields workspace, this is displayed as one of the following:

  • Number (a,b), where a is the value of the Total Number Of Digits parameter and b is the value of the Precision parameter.
  • Integer, when the value of the Precision parameter is 0, indicating that this is a whole number.
Parameter Description
Type Binding

Total Number Of Digits

Number of digits allowed in the data value.


The number of digits used after the decimal symbol in the data value.

If you enter zero, you get an integer.

Pick List

Specifies that any pick lists that include this field are validated pick lists.

Pick List Name

Only displayed if you checked Validated.

N/A Only displayed if you checked Validated.
N/A Only displayed if you checked Validated.
Is State Transition Only displayed if you checked Validated.


Used for passwords. Passwords themselves are not stored; the result of the hash function is stored instead. When you enter a password, the application compares the returned value of the hash function to the stored value. If they match, the password is correct.

For more information, see About Setting the Password Policy.

In the Fields workspace, this is displayed as Password(a) where a is the value of the Maximum Length parameter.

Parameter Description
Type Binding

Maximum Length

Character limit for a field entry.

Store hashed password Specifies if the hashed password should be stored.


Stores text securely. In contrast with the Password field type, it can be restored.

SymmetricallyEncryptedString fields are stored in the database in encrypted view. For encryption, symmetric algorithm is used. Symmetric here means that for encryption and decryption the same key is used. Therefore, encrypted value can be easily decrypted when needed. Since symmetric keys are stored in database and can be retrieved by experienced users, this type should be used only in scenarios when "weak" data protection could be implemented.

In the Fields workspace, this is displayed as SymmetricallyEncryptedString.

Parameter Description
Type Binding

Maximum Length

Character limit for a field entry.

Crypt Key

Encryption key for a asymmetrically encrypted string.

Encryption Algorithm

Encryption algorithm used:

Symmetrical encryption can use 0 (DES), 1 (RC2), 2 (Rijndael), 3 (TripleDes) and AES algorithms.

When using the AES algorithm, the Key IV value always differs for each encryption. The maximum recommended length for the AES algorithm should be between 64 and 128 bytes.

Asymmetrical encryption uses only the RSA algorithm.


Stores text strings. This includes single and multiple rows strings up to 2000 characters length as well as huge amount of text, whose size could be up to several megabytes.

In the Fields workspace, this is displayed as one of the following:

  • Unicode Text(a), where a is either the value of the Variable parameter or is Max.
  • Fixed Text (a), where a is the value of the Fixed parameter.
  • Byte
  • Text(a), where a is the value of the Variable parameter or is Max.
  • Fixed Unicode Text(a), where a is the value of the Fixed parameter.
  • HTML

Placing HTML (including JavaScript) into a text field and then binding it to an HTML control creates a security hole. Obviously, this is not good practice and we do not recommend this.

Parameter Description
Field Type

Choose a type from the dropdown list.

Text: Creates a plain text field.

Unicode Text: Allows the field to contain non-English characters.

For a Unicode text field that is marked as validated, only named validation lists with stored fields which are Unicode text fields, are shown. Similarly, regular text fields can only by validated by named validation lists, with stored fields that are regular text fields. As an example, assume there is a named validation list defined against the LoginID field in the Employee business object, that has been marked as Unicode (for example, DisplayName of employee with LoginID value by team).

For it to be used as the pick list for a validated text field, the field must also be marked as Unicode, for the named validation list to show up.

Also, the data type between the stored field in the named validation list, and a validated field, must match. For example, if the named validation list is defined against a text field, but the user is attempting to use it for a number field, the validation does not work.

HTML: Enables HTML controls and allow users to enter HTML text. HTML fields are limited to 2 GB. See also note below.

Text Length
Variable Creates a field of variable length. Enter the maximum number of characters permitted. The default length is 32. The highest number allowed is 2000.


Fixes the length of a field entry to a specified size. The field value includes padding to the right. The default length is 32. The highest number allowed is 2000.


Allows an unlimited number of characters or bytes to be displayed for this property. The highest number allowed is 2 GB. HTML fields should not exceed 200 MB.

Full-Text Properties

Type Column

Not used.


The default language to use for full-text indexes. The set of languages to choose from is from Microsoft SQL Server and therefore you cannot modify the values that are displayed here.


To change this field, under Field Attributes, ensure that Full-text Indexed is checked and Localized is unchecked. Select a new value from the dropdown list.

Pick List

Specifies that any pick lists that include this field are validated pick lists.

Pick List Name

Only displayed if you checked Validated.

N/A Only displayed if you checked Validated.
N/A Only displayed if you checked Validated.
Is State Transition Only displayed if you checked Validated.
Field Attributes
Localized Specifies that you can localize the values for this field.
Full-text Indexed  

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Creating Forms

Supported Controls for Responsive Business Object Form