Adding the Email Monitor Name to Emails

This feature enables you to add the name of an email monitor to incoming emails picked up by the monitor. The monitor name is added to the Created By field in the email so you can identify which monitor picked up the email. This is useful for identification when you have multiple email monitors.

To use this feature, you need to add and enable the EnableInboundEmailSuffix global constant.

Add and Enable the EnableInboundEmailSuffix Global Constant

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM as Administrator.

2.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Global Constants to open the Global Constants workspace.

3.Click Add.

4.In the Name field, enter EnableInboundEmailSuffix.

5.In the Value field, enter True to enable the global constant.

You can disable the global constant at any time by entering False in this field.

6.In the Type field, select Boolean from the drop-down list.

7.Enter a description in the Description field if required.

8.Click Save.

When the global constant is enabled and saved, all emails picked up by the email monitor and display the name of the monitor in their Created By field.

You may need to expand the Created By field length to display the monitor name. Open the Journal.Email business object form to edit the field length.