Import Discovery Data from Ivanti Neurons

You can take advantage of the Ivanti Neurons device discovery capabilities using the Ivanti Neurons Asset Import Configuration workspace. This enables Neurons for ITSM customers to restore the existing device in the Ivanti Neurons for ITSM CI workspace from Ivanti Neurons. Also newly discovered Ivanti Neurons device gets synced to Ivanti Neurons for ITSM CI workspace.

If your instance of Neurons for ITSM is hosted by Ivanti, you need to contact Ivanti Support to setup the connection between Neurons and Neurons for ITSM.

When you set the Neurons connector synchronization frequency, set it to synchronize weekly instead of daily. Daily synchronization sends a high volume of asset messages to the Ivanti Asset Manager for Neurons Discovery, and the increased volume degrades performance.

To Configure Neurons Import:

1.Log in to Ivanti Neurons for ITSM as Administrator.

2.Open the Ivanti Neurons Asset Import Configuration workspace.

3.Enable device type in Ivanti Neurons Asset Import Configuration workspace as Administrator.

Ivanti Neurons Asset Import Configuration

4.Open the Asset Processor Configuration workspace.

5.Ensure that the below configurations are enabled in the Asset Processor Configuration workspace.

Asset Processor Configuration

New CI Type will be set to ivnt_UnmanagedAsset for Windows by default. You can update New CI Type to the required type such as Computer, Database, or Contract so on.

After configuring Ivanti Neurons to Ivanti Neurons for ITSM Integration, the devices should start syncing in Neurons for ITSM based on the Neurons for ITSM scheduled connectors.

Post Import Verification

1.Log in to Ivanti Neurons for ITSM as Administrator.

2. Open the CI workspace.

3.Ensure the newly imported devices are listed under CI workspace.

Imported Devices

4.Open the Message Queue Journal workspace.

5.Review the Message Queue Journal workspace for the incoming device messages processed from the Ivanti Neurons.

Message Queue Journel

6.Run the Decompress Message Quick Action for a selected message in the Message Queue Journal workspace to view the discovered Device details.

Device Details

Initially by default, the Decompress Message Quick Action will be disabled for device message. To enable the Decompress Message Quick Action of Message Queue Journal business object, follow the below steps:

1.Click Configure Application to go to the Configuration console.

2.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Automation Tools > Quick Actions to open the Quick Actions workspace.

3.Click Frs_MessageQueueJournal from the Action Manager list.

4.Click Quick Action tab.

5.On the left side panel, click Decompress Message.

6.Click Edit to open the Edit Expression window.

7. Add Device type in Quick Action's expression field “Disable in UI when” as shown below.

Edit Expression

Customizing Asset Data Imports from Ivanti Neurons

Device Filter in Mapping

The Filter Manager in IN connector (Ivanti Neurons Connector- Device) enables filtering inflow of device types based on the filter criteria. For instance, an Administrator can select to import an Asset Type “Laptop” only by creating the filter value as “Laptop” as shown below:

Filter Manager

The filter settings made during import remains saved for further import.

Based on the filter settings, only those messages which are relevant to mapping will be processed by Ivanti Neurons for ITSM tenant and rest of the messages will be discarded.

The filter setting works only for single value filter in each row. If the field selected in the left panel of the mapping results multiple values, then those filters will not work. It advised to use the filter settings accordingly.

Use only fields on the Device table in the filter.

Sample Mapping Scenarios

Use case 1: In the below screenshot, for mapping

<Portable > Computer> = <CIParentType> = <ComputerSystem.Property.CIType>

The asset imported from IN connector having Device.Type > Portable has mapped to parent type Computer in Neurons for ITSM and hence, device is imported under category “Computer”.

Use case 2: For instance,

<Laptop > Computer> = <CIParentType> = <ComputerSystem.Property.CIType>

If the required mapping does not exist for Laptop as shown below, then the device type "Laptop" will be moved to the default setting mentioned in Asset Processor Configuration workspace.

Use case 3: If CIParentType mapping is not defined in IN connector field Mapping section, then default setting mentioned in Asset Processor Configuration workspace will be considered.

Export and Import Ivanti Neurons connector

An Administrator can now edit the mapping in IN Connector and export it as metadata package and import on other Ivanti Neurons for ITSM tenants on demand. The exported connector will include the default Table selection, Filter option, and Field Mapping changes.

This functionality is intended to help the Asset Administrator to have controlled import in STG/UAT, verify the imported asset, and update the mapping before imported all the assets in PRD landscape.

This feature is applicable only for “Update” scenario, package exported from here will not create a new connection if connector does not exist.

Post Import the package, you are advised to review the changes once before start syncing the devices.

Clone and delete actions for Ivanti Neurons Connector – Device is disabled or removed.

Non-Device type import support

The Administrator can import non-computer type devices to Neurons for ITSM. For instance, the Printer received from Ivanti Neurons can be imported as Printer in Ivanti Neurons for ITSM tenant.

Scheduling and Publishing Neurons Discovery Data Imports

Detailed instructions for scheduling and publishing the data imports can be found on the Scheduling API Data Sync from Ivanti Neurons for Discovery to Ivanti Neurons for ITSM help topic.

Microsoft Intune connector, MobileIron connector, and Airwatch connector can be configured and fetched from Ivanti Neurons to Ivanti Neurons for ITSM.