Rest API

With the Rest API, a new interface to perform data operations on the business objects of Neurons for ITSM - Administrator and User Help is available. A set of intuitive and customer definable APIs allow you to automate many of your day-to-day operations.

To know more about the supported APIs in Ivanti Neurons for ITSM, click the respective links:

Create Business Object - Create out-of-the-box or custom business objects of your choice.

Get Business Objects - Fetch all or specific business objects such as by RecID, in a particular order or number, by filtering out or by searching by keyword.

Update Business Object - Update a specific business object.

Delete Business Object - Delete a specific business object.

Search - Search business objects by a keyword or a saved search.

Relationship APIs - You can link multiple business objects, get related business objects or delete related business objects that are linked to a particular business object.

Attachment - Upload or delete files to a business object.

Quick Actions - Perform quick action such as close, clone, or resolve a business object.

Templates - Apply template to a business object.

Metadata - Fetches details such as the list of fields, relationships, fields of related business objects, saved search names, template names and quick action names for a business object.