Accessing the Audit History

The audit history is an administrative tool that shows metadata changes. It does not show actual record changes.

Updating the following processes triggers an audit event:

  • ID of individual recording the update.
  • Date and time of the action.
  • Type of action.

When multiple records are deleted at once, a single record is added in Audit History.

Accessing and Filtering the Audit History

  1. From the Configuration console, select Monitor > System Audit History to open the System Audit History workspace. The application displays the list of audit events.
  2. Use these filters to customize the audit history view:


    The metadata object name as stored in the database.

    Min. Date

    A range for the audit history filter by adding a date. By default, the audit history displays changes recorded in the last 30 days.

    Max. Date

    A range for the audit history filter by adding a date.


    Employee name. Select from the drop-down list.


    An operation performed on this business object or record. Can be all, insert, update, or delete.


    A Neurons for ITSM metadata set.  Select from the dropdown list.

  3. Select Search to generate the new audit history.
  4. Select View next to an audit entry to view details.