Importing Packages with SQL for On-premise Customers

The feature flag SQLPackageConfig in the Feature Management section of the Configuration DB is set to True by default from version 2023.2.

When the feature flag is set to True - packages containing SQL queries will fail with warning that the SQL statements failed to run.


When importing Neurons for ITSM packages - set the feature flag SQLPackageConfig to False to avoid any failures. Once the import is done, ensure to set the feature flag SQLPackageConfig back to True.

Modify all custom packages which contains SQL queries amd remove all references to SQL statements.

Enabling or Disabling the Feature Flag for on-premise customers

1.Open the Configuration DB.

2.Navigate to Feature Management.

3.Search for the feature flag SQLPackageConfig and the respective Tenant.

4.Click on the respective record.

5.Toggle the status value to enable/disble the feature flag.