Working with Email Servers

The configuration for the email service provider is stored as a business object in the Neurons for ITSM database, which is tenant-specific.

The email service uses the individual configuration of the tenant to send emails. Neurons for ITSM currently supports the SMTP, Microsoft Graph, and Microsoft Exchange web service protocols.

Various options are available within the main Email Configuration workspace to customize your email settings. Select the tabs at the bottom of the workspace to see the options.

Accessing the Email Configuration Workspace

Do one of the following to access the Email Config workspace:

Log in to the application and open the Email Config workspace.

From the Configuration console, select Configure > Email Configuration > Servers to open the Email Configuration workspace.

The default configuration includes a single inbox record. Use this inbox to create incidents from emails.

Configuring the Outgoing and Incoming Email Servers

The email servers are mostly configured during installation; if you haven't done this, then follow these steps to configure them after the installation. Any email configuration change takes effect in the next email poll interval.

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM as Administrator.

2.Open the Email Configuration workspace.

3.Select your required protocol in the Mail Protocol field, configure the displayed fields, and then Save the configuration. The options are as follows:

Exchange Web Services

Google Service Account

Microsoft Graph


If you select Exchange Web Services, ensure that your mail server supports the Microsoft Exchange web service.

Using the Email Configuration Tabs