Find and Replace Quick Action

About the Find and Replace Quick Action

Suggestions for Use



Graphical Action Designer: Find and Replace Quick Action

About the Find and Replace Quick Action

The Find and Replace Quick Action looks through the selected records or all records for any instances of the specified field that contain the specified current value. When it finds that field and current value, it replaces the current value with the new value. You can replace values in an individual incident, multiple selected incidents, or all incidents simultaneously.

The Find and Replace Quick Action is not supported within composite actions, it can only be used as a stand-alone action. When creating a composite action, the Find and Replace Quick Action is not displayed in the Add new action drop-down list on the Classic Action Designer.
The Find and Replace Quick Action function is limited to a maximum of 100 records.

Some fields do not support Find and Replace.

Suggestions for Use

Here are a few ways you can use the Find and Replace Quick Action:

Replacing the Incident owner's name: For example: If a technician leaves the company, you can find all issues currently assigned to him or her as owner, and replace the value in owner field with a new technician's name.

Change the impact of incidents: For example, you can make a change to a group of Incident records when Impact was previously Medium and it is now Low or High.


Parameter Description
Enter action name A unique name for the action.
Enter action description Optional. A description of what the action does.
Enter category

Optional. Select a category from the drop-down list. This category field groups the actions in to different categories. It is not related to the service category.

Field Name

Add two fields to prompt users for values. The first field is the value to search for, and the second is the value to replace while running.


Button Action
Adds a field.
Removes a field.
Save Commits your settings.
Cancel Exits without saving.

This action does not respect the Auto-save checkbox option in the Action Settings tab. It does save changes directly to the database, but please ensure that the behaviour you expect still occurs.