Trusted Agent Monitoring and Logging

Trusted Agent LDAP operations, such as connection tests, LDAP synchronization, and policy updates are logged. View the logged information in the Operational Logs, where you can select logged items and view detailed information on each operation. Logged information can provide help in determining the cause of any errors with Trusted Agent for LDAP connections.

Screenshot showing the operational logs list

Logged information is maintained for three months from the date it is logged.

The Operational Logs list displays general information on each item, such as the category, a description of the item (for example: LDAP sync, LDAP test, etc), the message ID, status (for example: Pending, Successful, Failed), and the created on, and modified on dates.

You can display detailed information on each item by selecting it in the log list.

You must be logged in as an Administrator to access the Trusted Agent logs.

Viewing Operational Logs

1.In the Configuration console, select Extend > Integration Tools > Trusted Agent Monitoring.
A list of all logged events with status and date stamp is displayed.

2.Select an item in the list to view detailed log information.

Only error items display Log Entry information.

Screenshot showing operational log selected entry details that are displayed at the bootom of the list when you select an entry