Working with a Universal Worklist

About Universal Worklists

Creating a Universal Worklist

Defining the Physical Structure by Creating a Materialized View Business Object

Defining the Source Data

Defining a List

Creating a Saved Search

Defining the Dashboard Part

Providing a Restricted View

Using the Universal Worklist

Creating a Child Tenant

About Universal Worklists

The universal worklist feature enables you to simultaneously view worklists from multiple tenants. A worklist is a list of items (usually issues, changes, or problems) and is typically the result of a saved search.

To use this feature correctly, the following conditions apply:

The databases must all be in the same landscape (such as domain or sub-domain).

The databases must all contain the same saved search to use.

Each tenant user can be a child or a parent tenant. The parent tenant can see all child tenants, but child tenants can only see their own data.

Each child tenant must be able to provide an API key and tenant name. (See for an example of what this looks like.) The parent tenant does not need to provide this.

Do not use hyperlinks in lists used with the universal worklist. Hyperlinks allow the user you to single click to view record details. However, the command always goes to the parent tenant, which then fails.

Creating a Universal Worklist

The universal worklist is created as a dashboard part and can be added to a new or existing dashboard.

To enable this feature, you must do the following:

  1. Obtain the tenant name and API key of each child tenant to access.
  2. Defining the Physical Structure by Creating a Materialized View Business Object: Create a materialized view of a business object.
  3. Defining the Source Data: Obtained from the child tenants.
  4. Defining a List: Prepare to show the data.
  5. Creating a Saved Search: Needed to create a dashboard part.
  6. Defining the Dashboard Part: View the final data.

Defining the Physical Structure by Creating a Materialized View Business Object

Within the Configuration Console, create a Materialized View business object. See Creating a Materialized View Business Object for more information.

Defining the Source Data

The actual data is created and updated only in the tenants, not in the Materialized View business object. The materialized view shows the synchronized data from the tenants.

Define the source data from the View Parts tab of the Materialized View business object. See Viewing Parts for a Materialized View Business Object for more information.

Defining a List

To use the universal worklist in a dashboard, you must be able to use it in a saved search. To view saved search results, you must create a list.

You can create a list from scratch (see Working with Lists) or from the View Details tab, click Auto Generate UI. Edit the list to include the columns you need.

Creating a Saved Search

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Search Tools > Saved Searches to open the Saved Searches workspace.

2.Click Show all objects.

3.For the materialized object that you created, click Add. The Saved Search window appears.

4.Create a saved search as described in Using a Saved Search.

To show all records in your search results, add a date parameter that is earlier than your known data. For example, in the second field, select CreatedDateTime; in the third field, select Greater Than; and in the fourth field enter January 1, 1970.

Defining the Dashboard Part

The dashboard part is where you view the final data.

1.Create a new dashboard part. See Working with Dashboards for more information.

2.Expand the Special Parts accordion, then click Add List. The system displays the Dashboard List editor window.

3.Click the Main tab.

4.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description
Title A unique name for your dashboard part, such as Change Universal List.
Description Optional. A description of the dashboard part.
Title icon An icon to appear with the title.

5.Click the Data tab.

6.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description
Business Object The business object. Select from the drop-down list.
Saved Search

The saved search. Select from the drop-down list. This field is populated by the saved searches in the change business object. Ensure that this saved search is common among all tenants to access.


The list to use. Select from the drop-down list. For example, the Change list is a generic list.


NOTE: Do not use hyperlinks in lists used with the universal worklist.

7.Click Save to save the dashboard part.

8.Drag the dashboard part onto the dashboard.

9.Click Save. The system displays a list of records from all tenants. Double-click a record from the list to view it in the corresponding tenant.

Providing a Restricted View

Data is restricted by role. To provide a restricted view, create a segregation rule.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > User and Permissions > Roles and Permissions to open the Roles and Permissions workspace. The list of roles appears. See Working with Roles for more information.

2.Click a role to which to grant access. The system displays the Role Details page.

3.Click the Object Permissions tab. The system displays the Object Permissions page.

4.Find the business object that you created, then select options.

5.Add a segregation rule to the master role. See About Applying Advanced Security Features for more information.

A specialized segregation rule is available for universal worklists. It ensures that Service Desk Analysts can only see records for the child tenants with which they are associated.

To create the rule, in the materialized view that you created, for each role that can access the universal worklist, you can add a rule as follows: View records where the tenant URL of the materialized object is current user assigned tenants.

Using the Universal Worklist

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the dashboard that you created. (It is under the All Dashboards list.)

3.Click Refresh to synchronize the data and allow it to appear. The first time you do this might take a minute.

The current user can view all tenants, but can only see data from the current or assigned tenants.

The color of the title bar indicates how recent the data is. A red title bar means the data is more than 10 minutes old. A blue title bar means the data has been synchronized within the last 10 minutes.

Creating a Child Tenant

The Child Tenants workspace defines child tenants to use with the universal worklist.

You can view child tenant information, unless you create a segregation business rule. See Using Business Rules for information on how to do this.

1.Do one of the following:

Log in to the application and open the Child Tenants workspace.

From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organization Profile > Child Tenants.

The list of child tenants appears, if any.

2.Click New Child Tenants. The system displays a blank Child Tenants workspace.

3.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description
API Key The child tenant client authentication key. API key defined in a child tenant should be linked to a user and a role.
Tenant Url

The child tenant name. An example is Do not preface the tenant URL with http:// or https://.


The URL must be a fully-qualified domain name; that is, it must contain a period, such as customer.a. If you do not include a period, but the system can still resolve the URL, the system uses the parent tenant for the query and causes an error.

4.Click Save.