Search and Link Workflow Block

The Search and Link workflow block searches and links a business object record to another record.

Search and Link Workflow Block Properties

Exit Ports

Exit Port Function

Continue to the next block.


General exit port for a failed integration action. A logical next step is to trigger a notification.


Property Description
Title A unique name for the workflow block.
Relationship The relationship between the current business object and the business object to which you are linking.


Specify where to search the child business object.


A comparison operator that you can select from the list.

Equal to: The value in Field matches the value in Criteria.

Not Equal to: The value in Field does not match the value in Criteria.

In List: The value in Field starts with one or more of the values in Criteria.

Not in List: The value in Field does not contain any of the values in Criteria.

Greater than: The value in Field does not contain the string value in Criteria.

In : Field does not contain any values.

Is Not Empty: Field contains something (is not empty).

Greater than: The value in Field is greater than the value in the far right drop-down list.

Less than: The value in Field is greater than or equal to the value in the far right drop-down list.

Greater or Equal: The value in Field is greater than or equal to the value in the right drop-down list.

Less or Equal: The value in Field is less than or equal to the value in the right drop-down list.

Begin with: The value in Field starts with the value in Criteria.

Not Begin with: The value in Field does not start with the value in Criteria.

Contains: The value in Field contains the string value in Criteria.

Does not Contain: The value in Field does not contain the string value in Criteria.

Like (SQL format): The value in Field contains the string value in Criteria. Use SQL wildcards such as % to search.

Not Like (SQL format): The value in Field does not contain the string value in Criteria. Use SQL wildcards such as % to search.

Is empty: does not contain any values.

Is not empty: contains some some value (is not empty)

In Range: In between from and to date Not In Range

Not in Range: Not in between from and to date

Full text search: (Only available when the value in Field is full-text indexed) Performs a Microsoft SQL full-text search on the value in Field using the WHERE CONTAINS (field, text,...) syntax.

During: means during the interval.

Not During: means not during the interval

Before: means before the beginning of the interval.

Not Before: means not before the beginning of the interval.

After: means after the end of the interval.

Not After: means not after the end of the interval.

String Adds a value for the comparison. Depending on the child business object, this can be a list or calendar selection.


Button Action

Adds an expression to the workflow block.

Removes an expression from the list.
Save Commits your settings.
Cancel Exits without saving.