Actions Required to Enable Viewing Survey Metric Results

The actions and procedure described in the topic apply to customers upgrading to Neurons for ITSM 2024.2 or Neurons for ITSM Enterprise from earlier versions. If you already have version 2024.2 or above, this functionality is provided by default.

To enable viewing of survey metric results, you need to enable the Localized checkbox for some business object fields if not already enabled bt default, and import the 13_PBI_1160392_HRCaseSurvey_SQL_Doc_Only package.

To enable the Localized checkbox for the business objects:

This checkbox may be enabled by default, however you need to check and confirm that it is enabled.

1.Log in to Neurons for ITSM as Administrator.

2.Open the Configuration Console, select Business Objects, and then click View All.

3.Open each of the business objects below, select Fields, open the fields listed and ensure that the Localized checkbox is selected:

FRS_SurveyAnswer business object Category field.

FRS_SurveySession business object IdentifierType field.

CI business object Name field.

4. Save any changes.

To obtain and import the package:

1.Contact Getting help and request the 13_PBI_1160392_HRCaseSurvey_SQL_Doc_Only package.

2.Save the package to a location where you can access it for import.

3.Log in to Neurons for ITSM as Administrator.

4.Open the Configuration console and navigate to Build > Development Package > Packages.

5.Follow the steps in Importing a Package to complete the import.

If the import does not complete successfully, contact Getting help.

When you have successfully imported the package, the HR Case survey metrics are listed when you apply the Incident, Change, Service Request And HR Case Surveys saved search in the Survey Metric View workspace.

You can filter the Survey Metric View workspace list to show only the HR Case metrics, refer to HR Case Survey.