

Skill Configuration

In Ivanti Voice, you can set skills and skill proficiency levels for agents in your contact center. For example, to indicates an agent can speak English fluently, the agent may have an English skill level of 90. The skill values are set in range from 0 to 100 (it is convenient to think of them as percentages). If a skill is not defined for an agent, it is assumed to be 0.

Skills are arranged in skill groups. There are two default skill groups: Language and Technical Skills. You can use these default skill groups and the skills they include, or you can modify or delete the groups. English and Spanish are skills that are part of the Language default skill group; Software and Hardware are skills that are part of the Technical Skills default skill group.

You will use the skill groups to set agent skill proficiency levels when configuring agent properties (refer to Configure Agent Properties).

The Contact Center server displays skills and skill groups on the Skills and Skill Groups page (in the Management Portal, click Agents/Skills/Services > Skills and Skill Groups).

Use the Skills and Skill Groups page to create skill groups, add skills to those groups, delete skills and skill groups, and edit skill and skill group names.

Create Skills and Skill Groups

To Create Agent Skills and Skill Groups:

  1. In the Skills and Skill Groups page (in the Management Portal, click Agents/Skills/Services > Skills and Skill Groups), click the Create group button. A new skill group with the name New group appears at the bottom of the table on the Skills and Skill Groups page.

The Contact Center server does not let you create another group until you change the name of the new skill group from New group to a different name.

  1. Highlight the name New group and type a name for the skill group. You must change the name of the new skill group in order to save it. Each skill group and skill must have a unique name.

Each skill group must have a unique name. There are no other restrictions for skill group names.

  1. Click the Update and Commit Changes buttons to enact the change. Click the Discard Changes button if you want to undo the change.
  2. To add a skill to this skill group, type a skill name in the field below the skill group name.

Each skill must have a unique name. Do not use the same name for multiple skills even if each skill is in a different group. There are no other restrictions for skill names. Also note that you cannot move the skill to another group once you create it. If you want the skill to appear under another skill group after creating the skill, you must delete the skill and recreate it in the other skill group.

  1. Click the Add Skill button. The screen refreshes and the skill appears under the skill group name in the table.
  2. Click the Commit Changes button.

Delete Skills

Deleting a skill from a skill group prevents you from assigning the skill to any more agents or using the skill in any more routing rules; however, the deletion does not remove the skill from agents to whom you already assigned the skill, nor does it remove the skill from existing routing rules.

To Delete Skills:

  1. On the Skills and Skill Groups page (in the Management Portal, click Agents/Skills/Services > Skills and Skill Groups), select the check box next to each skill you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete skill(s) button. A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm the deletion.
  3. Click Yes. The screen refreshes and the skill is deleted.
  4. Click the Commit Changes button.

Delete Skill Groups

Deleting a skill group prevents you from assigning the skills in that skill group to any more agents, or using the skills in any more routing rules; however, the deletion does not remove the skills from agents to whom you already assigned the skill, nor does it remove the skill from existing routing rules.

To Delete Skill Groups:

  1. On the Skills and Skill Groups page (in the Management Portal, click Agents/Skills/Services > Skills and Skill Groups), click the red x icon next to each skill group you want to delete. A confirmation dialog box opens.
  2. Click Yes. The screen refreshes and the skill group is deleted.
  3. Click the Commit Changes button.

Edit Skill and Skill Group Names

To Modify Skills and Skill Group Names:

  1. On the Skills and Skill Groups page (in the Management Portal, click Agents/Skills/Services > Skills and Skill Groups), edit the name of the skill or skill group.

Each skill and skill group must have a unique name. Do not use the same name for multiple skills even if each skill is in its own group. There are no other restrictions for skill and skill group names.

  1. Click the Reset button to undo any changes made on the Skills and Skill Groups page (before clicking the Update button). Click the Update and Commit Changes buttons to enact the changes made.

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