Call Detail Records
The voice server creates a call detail record (CDR) for every call it generates or receives. Each record contains the following information:
•Sequential call number
•Internal call reference number
•Call direction (either incoming or outbound)
•Origination number (ANI), if available
•Termination number (DNIS), if available
•Date and time call began
•Date and time call was answered, if it was answered
•Date and time call finished
•Party that finished the call (either the voice application or the caller)
The voice server stores call detail records in files in the C:\Program Files\Ivanti, Inc.\IP Communications Management\cdr directory, and uses the following format for the filenames:
in which the following are true:
•YYYY = Four digit year.
•MM = Two digit month.
•DD = Two digit day.
•mm = Two digit minute.
•SS = Two digit second.
•HOSTNAME = The Ivanti Voice host computer.
•NN = The sequential file number.
By default, the voice server stores a maximum of ten CDR files with a maximum file size of 10 MB each. If all ten log files are full and the voice server needs to write another CDR, it overwrites the oldest CDR file with a new one.
View CDR files using Microsoft SQL with Microsoft Jet/ODBC through an application such as Microsoft Access. This requires a schema.ini file in the CDR directory containing the following:
• Format=TabDelimited
• ColNameHeader=False
• MaxScanRows=1
• DateTimeFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:nn:ss
• CharacterSet=ANSI
• Col1=SEQ Long
• Col2=CRN Text
• Col3=CALLTYPE Text
• Col4=ANI Text
• Col5=DNIS Text
• Col6=RINGTIME DateTime
• Col7=ANSWERTIME DateTime
• Col8=HANGTIME DateTime
• Col10=CHANNEL Long