Agent States

An agent is always in one (and only one) of the following states:

Logged Out - The agent is not using Ivanti Voice.

Not Ready - The agent is logged on to Ivanti Voice but is not available to take calls. The Statistics Console refers to the time the agent spends in this state as Not Ready Time.

Ready - The agent is available to take calls. The Statistics Console refers to the time the agent spends in this state as Ready Time.

Reserved - Ivanti Voice is routing a call to the agent, making the agent unavailable to take other calls. The agent’s phone rings during this state.

Busy - The agent is having an active conversation with the caller or is transferring the call. The Statistics Console refers to the time the agent spends in this state as Busy Time.

After-Call Work - The agent is done talking with the caller and is completing the after-call work. After-call work consists of tasks related to the call that an agent completes after hanging up with the caller, such as completing the fields on a call management record or editing notes about the call. The agent is unavailable to take calls while in the After-Call Work state. After the After-Call Work state, the agent returns to the Ready state and is once again available to take calls.

Ivanti Voice logically groups some states together:

Handling Time - The time an agent spends in the Busy and After-Call Work states combined (i.e., working on a single call, talking to the caller, transferring the caller, and completing after-call work).

Logon Time - The time an agent is logged on to Ivanti Voice (i.e., the agent is in any state except the Logged Out state).

Working Time - The time an agent is in the Ready, Reserved, Busy, and After-Call Work states combined. During this time, the agent is available to take calls or is working on calls (i.e., talking to callers, transferring calls, or completing after-call work).

The following Venn diagram shows the relationships of the terms and states described above.