Configure Roles

Configure roles by allowing or denying privileges.

To Configure a Role:

1.On the Management Portal menu window, click System Configuration > Users > Roles. The Roles page opens.

2.Click the role you want to configure. The Role properties page for that role appears, listing all privileges available in Ivanti Voice.

3.Grant or deny each privilege by selecting the Allowed or Denied check box next to each privilege. You can only select one check box for each privilege. If you are configuring a new role, all check boxes are clear by default; however, after selecting an option you must select either Allowed or Denied for each privilege. If you leave both check boxes blank for a privilege, the role does not grant that privilege.

Roles with privileges involving the Management Portal (such as Change dial plan, Configure system users, Create and configure applications, etc.), must also have the View configuration privilege. Otherwise, the user cannot access the Management Portal to use the privilege.

4.Click the Update and Commit Changes button.