Contacts Search Block

Searches for contacts using contact record fields (such as the contact’s phone extension or account number) as search keys. Use this block to:

Search for an extension following input from the Get DTMF String block or with the Prompt for Name option selected.

Return contact information by searching for a contact using Get DTMF String input as the search key. For example, the block can use a phone extension to access the contact’s email address.

Provide dial-by-name user input functionality.

Conditional Exits

The Contacts Search block has conditional exits to determine the action of the voice application when the following events occur:

Found - The attendant application found the user.

Not Found - The attendant application did not find the user.

Caller Disconnected – The call was terminated by the caller.


Label - Change the name of the block if needed to uniquely identify the use of this block in the application flowchart.

Users - Select this check box if you want Ivanti Voice to search users in the HostConfiguration.xml file.

Global Address Book - Select this check box if you want Ivanti Voice to search the Global Address Book.

Local Address Book - Select this option if you want Ivanti Voice to search the local address book of one or more users you specify. When you select this box, a browse button appears next to it. Click the button and select the users whose local address books you want Ivanti Voice to search. If the user does not appear in the list, you can add the user ID in the field below the list. Click OK when you are done.

Consider non-searchable users - This option forces the block to include users in the search who have the Searchable by name flag unchecked. If this option is not checked, the block will search only among the users who have Searchable by name option selected. Unchecking the Searchable by name user option and unchecking the Consider non-searchable users option prevents Unified Messaging applications from dialing some individuals by name (for instance, enabling you to hide company executive officers from the Dial-By-Name functionality).

Multiple Results OK - Select this option if you want Ivanti Voice to return multiple results if multiple matches occur. The caller can select from the results.

Property to store result - Interaction property name in which the block will save the results of the contact (if found)

Prompt For Name - Select this option if you want the block to use the Name Search Mechanism. When you select this option, the following fields appear:

First Digit Timeout - The number of seconds Ivanti Voice waits for a caller to begin input. If a timeout occurs, Ivanti Voice plays the Error prompt and gives the user another try, if the value in the Retries field is not exceeded.

Inter Digit Timeout - The number of seconds Ivanti Voice waits for a caller between digits. If a timeout occurs, Ivanti Voice plays the Error prompt and gives the user another try, if the value in the Retries field is not exceeded.

Retries - The number of timeouts the block allows.

Interruptible - Select this option to let the caller interrupt the prompt with input.

Search Criteria Table

The Search Criteria table enables you to specify the search criteria for the block, displaying each condition as a separate column. All conditions are AND-connected to each other, so all conditions must match for the block to return the value.

To set a condition:

1.Click the Add Column button. The Add New Column dialog box opens.

2.In the Type drop-down list, select the type of object for which you want to include in your criteria.

3.In the Field Name field, enter the name of the field for which you want to search. Either type the name of the field, or select the field using the drop-down list below the text field.

4.Click the OK button. The condition appears as a column in the table with a link.

5.Click the link. The Set Condition dialog box opens.

6.Complete the logical expression by specifying a logical operator in the Operator drop-down list, and entering the desired value for the field below the operator (if applicable). You can use either a text string or the name of an interaction property enclosed in percent (%) signs.

7.Click OK. The condition appears in the Conditions table.

8.If necessary, add more columns and alternatives.


Main Prompt - The prompt the attendant application plays to inform the user the application uses the Name Search Mechanism. This prompt plays only if you select the Prompt For Name option.

Error Prompt - The prompt the attendant application plays if the caller enters invalid input.