DB Access Next Record Block
The DB Access Next Record block works in conjunction with the DB Access block. The DB Access block sets the interaction properties for the first row found. The DB Access Next Record block sets the interaction properties for the subsequent rows in the search results (using the column names in the DB Access block SQL statement as key names to retrieve values,) until there are no additional rows, at which point the block executes the No more items conditional exit.
Conditional Exit
The DB Access Next Record block has one conditional exit, No more items, which is executed when the end of the list has been reached.
The DB Access Next Record block has the following settings:
•Label - Change the name of the block if needed to uniquely identify the use of this block in the application flowchart.
•Search direction (Required) - Sets the direction of travel through the list: select Next record or Previous record.
When Configuration for this Block is Complete:
•Click the Update button to apply the settings.