FRS SaaS Screenpop Definition Block

Governs the SaaS screenpop action when a call is routed to an agent. The block enables you to configure the screenpop for both new and existing business object records. This block is for use only with SaaS application configurations. For details, refer to Ivanti Voice/SaaS Configuration.


The FRS SaaS Screenpop Definition block has the following settings:

Label - Change the name of the block if needed to uniquely identify the use of this block in the application flowchart.

Tenant URL – Enter the URL for your HEAT tenant. No trailing slash is required. Example:

If this is a premise installation of HEAT, it will include the virtual directory for HEAT, such as http://myserver/HEAT

Context Screenpop action - Specify which action the context screenpop will implement:

Do nothing - The screen is not altered (no screenpop occurs) when a call is routed to an agent, allowing the agent to determine what is displayed.

Create new business object - Selecting this option exposes additional fields to configure:

Business Object type - Specify the type of business object to be created. Either enter the type or click the browse button next to the field to open the Business Object dialog box and select the type.

Fields To Be Set table - Determines the fields the voice application populates in the screenpop. Click the green + icon to add fields and values to the table.

Field Name - The field in the screenpop the voice application populates. Either type the name, or click the browse button next to the field to access the Field Name dialog box and select a field. The fields the Field Name dialog box lists are based on the business object you selected in the Business Object Type field.

Field Value - The name of the interaction property containing the value. Enclose the property name in percent (%) signs. For example: %PropertyName%

Wherever the database search syntax requires a single percent sign (%) to indicate a wildcard, use two percent signs (%%) instead of one.

Relationships to be Set - Specify which relationships should be established for the new business object. Click the green + icon to add relationships to the table.

Relationship name - The name of the relationship. Either type the name of the relationship, or click the browse button next to the field to access the Relationship Name dialog box and select a relationship.

Child RecId - Specify the record ID of the child object in the relationship. For example, if you create an Incident and want to link the new Incident to an existing Profile, you need to specify the profile record ID in this field.

Open business object - Select this option to open an existing business object.

Business Object type - Specify the type of business object to be opened. Either enter the type or click the browse button next to the field to open the Business Object dialog box and select the type.

Field Name to search by - Specify the business object field name to search by.

Field Value to search by - Use this field to specify the value of the field to search by.

When Configuration for this Block is Complete:

Click the Update button to apply the settings.