GoldMine Screenpop Block

Governs the GoldMine screenpop action when a call is routed to an agent.

This block is for use only with Ivanti Voice/GoldMine configurations. For details, refer to Ivanti Voice/GoldMine Configuration.


The GoldMine Screenpop block has the following settings:

Label - Change the name of the block if needed to uniquely identify the use of this block in the application flowchart.

Contact AccountNo - The interaction property that holds the account number of the contact.

Incoming Call Action - Configures what is displayed on the GoldMine screen to the agent receiving the call. Select one of the following:

Open - Opens a new contact window.

Goto - Navigates to the contact indicated (without opening a new window).

Open Search Center - Selecting Yes causes the GoldMine Search Center to open when the contact cannot be identified.

Show Complete Action - Determines which action should pop up when a call is answered.

Reference - Text which will be populated in the Reference field.

Activity Code - Text which will be populated in the Activity Code field.

Screen Transfer - Automatically updates the interaction data from the currently displayed GoldMine contact on the agent's workstation.

When Configuration for this Block is Complete:

Click the button to apply the settings.