HEAT Screenpop Definition Block
Governs the HEAT screenpop action when a call is routed to an agent.
This block is for use only with Ivanti Voice/HEAT configurations. For details, refer to Ivanti Voice/HEAT Configuration.
The HEAT Screenpop Definition block has the following settings:
•Label - Change the name of the block if needed to uniquely identify the use of this block in the application flowchart.
•Screenpop action - Configures what HEAT displays to the agent receiving the call:
•Do nothing - The screen is not altered (no screenpop occurs) when a call is routed to an agent, allowing the agent to determine what is displayed.
•Open customer screen
•Open call ticket
•Create new call ticket
•Run Auto Task
•Save call ticket
•Refresh screen
•Open customer screen parameters - Parameters that configure the Open Customer Screen action.
•Customer ID (Required) - The interaction property containing the caller’s customer ID. You can either type the actual customer ID or use the interaction property enclosed in percent (%) signs.
•Customer type (Optional) - The customer type, such as employee.
•Screen type - The type of screen to open. The drop-down list contains the available screen types.
•Open call ticket parameters - Call Ticket ID - The call ticket ID for the Open Call Ticket action. Enter either the call ticket ID or the interaction property containing the call ticket ID enclosed in percent (%) signs.
•Run Auto task parameters - Auto Task Name - The name of the AutoTask for the Run Auto Task action to run. Type the AutoTask name or the interaction property containing the AutoTask enclosed in percent (%) signs.
You can only run global AutoTasks in the HEAT/Ivanti Voice configuration; you cannot run personal AutoTasks.
•New call ticket parameters - Parameters that configure the Create New Call Ticket action.
•Customer ID (Required) - The interaction property containing the caller’s customer ID.
•Customer type (Optional) - The customer type, such as employee. You can either type the actual customer ID or use the interaction property enclosed in percent (%) signs.
•Run Auto Task (Optional) - The name of the AutoTask to be run before or after a new ticket is created. Type the AutoTask name or the interaction property containing the AutoTask name enclosed in percent (%) signs.
You can only run global AutoTasks in the HEAT/Ivanti Voice configuration; you cannot run personal AutoTasks.
•When (Optional) - Indicate when to run the AutoTask.
Fields To Be Set for New Ticket Table
Determines the fields the voice application populates in the new ticket.
•Field Name - The name of the field in the new ticket that the voice application populates. Either type the field name, or click the browse button next to the field to access the Field Name dialog box and select a field.
•Field Value - The name of the interaction property containing the value. Enclose the property name in percent (%) signs. For example: %PropertyName%
To Add Fields and Values to the Table:
•Click the green + icon.
When Configuration for this Block is Complete:
•Click the Update button to apply the settings.