HEAT Search Block

Searches the HEAT database for objects matching the search criteria you specify.

Some input strings may have multiple matches in a database. In this scenario, you can either choose to continue processing as if a single match was made, and use the HEAT Next Item block to retrieve each matched item. Or, if your application did not expect to find multiple items, the Multiple Objects Found exit can be used to handle this exception.

This block is for use only with Ivanti Voice/HEAT configurations. For details, refer to Ivanti Voice/HEAT Configuration.

Conditional Exits

The HEAT Search block has conditional exits to determine the action of the voice application when the following events occur:

Object Not Found - The HEAT Search block could not find the target object.

Multiple Objects Found - The HEAT Search block found multiple objects matching the search criteria.


The HEAT Search block has the following settings:

Label - Change the name of the block if needed to uniquely identify the use of this block in the application flowchart.

HEAT Connection (Required) - The name of the HEAT connection. The drop-down list contains the name of all configured HEAT connections.

Object Type - The type of object for which to search.

If you select Issue, the block searches for the HEATBoard issue using conditions of the issue’s lead ticket.

Interaction Property Name for ID - The name of the interaction property in which to save the ID if the HEAT Search block finds the new business object.

Conditions Table

The Conditions table enables you to specify search criteria for the block to use in addition to the Field to Search field. Add as many search conditions as you need. The Conditions table displays each condition as a separate column. Columns are joined by AND for the criteria to be satisfied, the condition in each column must be true for the block to return the business object.

The result of the search depends on the data format. For example, if you asked a caller to provide a nine digit social security number to search for an Employee business object by the SSN, you must format the data you receive according to the Foundation format. Foundation stores SSNs in the XXX-YY-ZZZZ format, so if the caller enters 123456789, reformat the input to 123-45-6789 before using the SSN as a search condition.

To Set a Condition:

1.Click the Add Column button. The Add New Column dialog box opens.

2.In the Type drop-down list, select the type of object you want to include in your criteria.

3.In the Field Name field, enter the name of the field for which you want to search. Either type the name of the field, or select the field using the drop-down list below the text field.

4.Click the OK button. The condition appears as a column in the table with a link.

5.Click the link. The Set Condition dialog box opens.

6.Complete the logical expression by specifying a logical operator in the Operator drop-down list, and entering the desired value for the field below the operator (if applicable). You can use either a text string or the name of an interaction property enclosed in percent (%) signs.

When entering phone numbers as conditions, only use numeric digits. Do not use letters or punctuation, such as dashes, parentheses, and dots.

7.Click OK. The condition appears in the Conditions table.

8.If necessary, add more columns.

If you are searching for a HEATBoard issue, the block actually searches for matching conditions in the lead ticket of each HEATBoard issue.

Sort Issues By

If you set the Object Type field to Issue and click the Update button, the Sort Issues By field appears. Use this field to configure how Ivanti Voice sorts existing HEATBoard issues by selecting one of the following:

Maximum linked calls - Configures the search to prioritize HEATBoard issues according to the number of associated tickets (i.e., the search starts with the HEATBoard issue containing the most tickets, and ends with the HEATBoard issue containing the least tickets). If multiple HEATBoard issues match your search criteria, the search returns the matching HEATBoard issue that has highest number of associated tickets.

Latest Created - Configures the search to prioritize the HEATBoard issues according to age (i.e., the search starts with the most recent HEATBoard issue, and ends with the oldest HEATBoard issue). If multiple HEATBoard issues match your search criteria, the search returns the most recently created matching HEATBoard issue.

Fields to Return Table

The Fields to Return table lets you configure the HEAT Search block to retrieve object fields other than the record ID of objects found.

Field Name - The name of the field to retrieve. Either type the field name, or click the browse button next to the field to access the Field Name dialog box and select a field. The fields the Field Name dialog box lists are based on the business object you selected in the Objects Type field.

Property Name - The name of the interaction property in which to store the value the voice application retrieves.

To Add Fields and Values to the Table:

Click the green + icon.

When Configuration for this Block is Complete:

Click the Update button to apply the settings.