UM Get Configuration Block

Retrieves any of the following Unified Messaging (UM) parameters and stores them in interaction properties you specify:

Property to store default system e-mail address

Property to store SMTP server for default system e-mail

Property to store SMTP port for default system e-mail

Property to store default system e-mail login

Property to store default system e-mail password

Property to store anonymous use of SMTP e-mail or not

Property to store operator extension

Property to store forward prefix for answering TUI

Property to store max recording time

Property to store parameter which shows if system administrator mailbox access available

Property to store system administrator login

Property to store system administrator password

Domain name

Property to store UM root directory

Property to store MWI EMail address

Property to store Voice message threshold

Property to store Voice message silence cut-off


Label - Change the name of the block if needed to uniquely identify the use of this block in the application flowchart.

When Configuration for this Block is Complete:

Click the Update button to apply the settings.