Ivanti Voice Communicator
Ivanti Voice Communicator is a softphone client application that ships with Ivanti Voice and allows end-users to perform basic telephony tasks such as making phone calls, initiating conference calls, placing calls on hold, transferring calls, etc. Users can also park calls by transferring the call to a parking orbit number from which other users can retrieve the call (by dialing a special pickup code and a unique number to identify the parked call).
The Communicator softphone can receive multiple calls at once, playing an alert when each call arrives and displaying the caller ID of each calling party. If you do not answer an incoming call, the caller can leave a voice mail. A message waiting indicator (MWI) on the Ivanti Voice Communicator activates. The call history lists each call the Ivanti Voice Communicator receives, dials, and misses.
Ivanti Voice can override the From SIP header with information provisioned at the server, providing a centralized and secure way of provisioning calling party names. Ivanti Voice also supports Remote-Party-ID SIP headers used to communicate the name and number to and from the call destination. Media gateways can use the Remote-Party-ID to convey caller ID information, which the voice server and Communicator generate for every new call. The SIP Soft Switch propagates this field from one call leg to another.
Ivanti Voice Communicator features on-demand call recording. The record button displays during active calls. A buffering mechanism can capture a configurable portion of the phone conversation, including the portion of the conversation occurring before you click the record button.
You may record phone calls through the use of the licensed software. The laws on recording phone calls vary from country to country and state to state. Ivanti recommends you inform the other party or parties to your phone call that you are recording their conversation; however, it is your responsibility to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in your use of the licensed software. You agree to abide by all applicable communication, privacy, and similar rules, directives, and other laws in your use of the licensed software. In no event will Ivanti be liable for any action or inaction on your part which leads to or causes you to break the law.
Configuring the Communicator
Some communicator settings (on the SoftPhone, SIP Registration, and STUN tabs) are pre-configured during installation, but can be edited as needed.
To Configure the Ivanti Voice Communicator:
1.Open the Ivanti Voice Communicator by clicking Start > Programs > Ivanti, Inc. > Communications Management > Communicator.
2.Click the Communicator Information tab.
3.On the Information tab, click the Settings link.
4.On the General tab, select the Hide the main window when it is minimized option if you do not want the Communicator to display in the Windows Taskbar when you minimize the Communicator interface. If you select this option, click the icon in the lower right Windows notification area when you want the Communicator to reappear on the screen.
5.Configure the settings on the SoftPhone tab:
•Number - Type the extension assigned to this instance of the Communicator.
•Display Name - Type the name that will appear on the readout of devices receiving calls from this instance of the Communicator.
•Make private - Select this option to block the display name, preventing devices you are calling from displaying the display name.
•SIP Port Number - The SIP port number specific to the Communicator as specified in the SIP server settings. The default is 5060.
•Session interval - The interval at which the Communicator sends verification messages (pings) to ensure that both parties are still connected. If a verification message does not receive a reply, the Communicator drops the call. Most devices do not support intervals smaller than 1800 seconds. The default is 3600.
•Session timer - The minimum session interval a device must have for this instance of the Communicator to accept calls from the device. If the remote party proposes a shorter session interval, the Communicator declines the call. The default is 90.
•First RTP port number - The first RTP port number specific to the Communicator. The default is 15600.
•Auto select - Select this option to configure the Communicator to attempt to use SIP port numbers in a range starting with the number in the SIP Port Number field. If the port number in the SIP Port Number field is not available, the Communicator attempts to use the next highest port number until finding an available port.
•Mirror RTP - Select this option to configure the Communicator to send outbound RTP messages to the address from which inbound RTP messages are received to achieve NAT traversal.
6.Configure the settings on the SIP Registration tab:
•Primary Proxy Address - Enter the network name or IP address of your primary SIP Soft Switch, or accept the default.
•Primary Proxy Port - Enter the port number of your primary SIP Soft Switch, or accept the default.
•Primary Proxy Domain - Enter the domain of your primary SIP Soft Switch.
•Backup Proxy Address - If you have set up a backup SIP Soft Switch, enter the network name or IP address of the backup SIP Soft Switch.
•Backup Proxy Port - If you have set up a backup SIP Soft Switch, enter the port number of the backup SIP Soft Switch.
•Backup Proxy Domain - Enter the domain of your backup SIP Soft Switch.
•Register with registrar - Select this check box if you want the SIP Soft Switch to register with the SIP registrar.
•Primary Registrar Address - Enter the network name or IP address of your primary SIP registrar, or accept the default.
•Primary Registrar Port - Enter the port number of your primary SIP registrar, or accept the default.
•Backup Registrar Address - If you have a backup SIP registrar, enter the network name or IP address of the backup SIP registrar.
•Backup Registrar Port - If you have a backup SIP registrar, enter the port number of the backup SIP registrar.
•Registration interval - The interval at which registration stays valid. Registration will be renewed at the end of the interval.
•Include account credentials in registration - Select this option if you want the Communicator to use the user name and password values below when registering with a SIP registrar.
•User Name and Password fields - If you created a user name and password for this extension in the Management Portal, enter those credentials here. If not, leave these fields empty.
7.On the Media tab are settings for input and output audio devices. Ivanti Voice automatically locates the input and output audio devices (such as sound cards and headsets) installed on your computer, and lists them in the drop-down lists. Select the Use default device radio button to use the default device, or select the Select device radio button and select the audio devices for each function. For example, if your computer has a microphone and earpiece installed, you can select the microphone to handle voice input and the earpiece to handle voice output.
8.On the Voice Codecs tab, you can configure the codecs the Communicator uses. The box on the left lists available codecs; the box on the right lists the codecs the Communicator is using. Click a codec then click the Add Codec or Remove Codec button to move the codecs between the two boxes as needed. The Communicator uses the codecs in the right box in the order listed. Click a codec and click the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order.
9.On the Recording tab, you can change the default location of the audio files containing conversations recorded while using the Communicator. To change the location, do one of the following:
•In the Recordings folder field, enter the path to the folder in which you want to store recorded files.
•Click the Select button and navigate to the folder in which you want to store recorded files.
You can record phone calls through the use of the licensed software. The laws on recording phone calls vary from country to country and state to state. Ivanti, Inc. recommends you inform the other party or parties to your phone call that you are recording their conversation; however, it is your responsibility to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in your use of the licensed software. You agree to abide by all applicable communication, privacy, and similar rules, directives, and other laws in your use of the licensed software. In no event will Ivanti be liable for any action or inaction on your part which leads to or causes you to break the law.
You can also configure the following recording settings:
•Keep __ seconds of voice for recording - Configures the Communicator to buffer the specified amount of seconds of each call. This lets the Communicator create recordings containing the buffered portion if the user chooses to record the call. For example, if the value is 30 and the user clicks the record button 45 seconds into the call, the recording contains the entire conversation beginning after the first 15 seconds into the call. The maximum value is 999.
•Compress recorded voice - Configures the Communicator to create lower quality recordings that consume less disk space. The compression is approximately 6 times.
10.On the STUN tab, if you use a STUN server, select the Use STUN to traverse NAT check box, then type the host name or IP address of the STUN, the port, and the refresh interval, or accept the defaults. A STUN icon on the Communicator (to the left of the phone icon on the lower left below the keypad) indicates the STUN status:
•Green indicates STUN OK - The STUN, when contacted for a media IP/port, provided a response.
•Orange indicates STUN Timed Out - The STUN timed out, so no media IP/port was provided for the call.
11.On the Tones tab, Ivanti Voice automatically locates and lists the audio devices (such as sound cards and headsets) installed on your computer.
•Select the Use default device option to use the default device for playback of ring tones.
•Select the Select device option and select from the drop-down list the audio device you want to use.
•To configure the Communicator to use custom ring tones, select the Use custom ring tone check box, click the Select button, navigate to the audio file containing the ring tone you want to use and click Open.
•To configure the Communicator to use custom busy tones, select the Use custom busy ring tone check box, click the Select button, navigate to the audio file containing the ring tone you want to use and click Open.
12.When all configuration settings have been made, click Apply, then click OK.