SMS Block

Sends SMS through the configured SMS gateway.

Conditional Exits

The SMS block has one conditional exit, SMS not sent, which directs the flow of the voice application if the voice application cannot send an SMS (for example, error received from SMS gateway).


The SMS block has the following settings:

Gateway URL (required) - The resource URL of the SMS gateway to access HTTP API.

HTTP Method (required) - Specify GET or POST method for the HTTP request that is sent to SMS gateway.

HTTP Headers - List of HTTP header and value pairs that will be sent in the HTTP message.

URL Parameters – List of URL parameters and corresponding values that will be sent as URL param in GET message. The list is also used to send the param list in the HTTP body when content type “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” is selected for POST method.

Content Type – The content type of the HTTP body can be selected from one of the following values:




HTTP Body – Text area to populate the content of the body that will be sent in HTTP message.

Property to Store SMS Content – Name of the interaction property that will be assigned with the content of “SMS Content” field. This can be used to specify the SMS content in “HTTP Body” field or “URL Parameters”.

SMS Content – Text area to populate the actual SMS text that will be sent in the HTTP request. The number characters left and the number of SMS that sum up the characters is displayed just below this field.

Characters Left – Displays the SMS count and the number of characters left in the current SMS.

When configuration for this bock is complete, click the Update button to apply the settings.