License Server Administration

The License Server Usage Statistics page (Management Portal > System Configuration > License Server > Usage Statistics) enables you to keep track of licensed features and usage. The licensed features represent the specific detailed options that you purchased from Ivanti, Inc. Solutions. If you find you need to add additional components or users, talk with your sales representative, who can discuss the best way of adding to your system: in bundled feature sets or a la carte, depending on your business needs.

User licenses can be either named or concurrent. Named licenses are reserved for a specific user. Concurrent licenses are utilized as the user, who has permission to use a feature, logs in (refer to Role Configuration for information regarding user roles and privileges). You may choose to use either type of license for a feature. You should assign named licenses for SIP handsets utilized by your business users, to ensure the phone has a license when that user attempts to log in, and concurrent licenses to be shared among agents who will use the Agent Dashboard (as they log in for different shifts, for example). Refer to Configure Phone Entries for details on how to set the type of license used with each softphone.

License Statistics By Feature

The By Feature tab displays a list of licensed features, the number of licenses allowed per feature, the number currently in use, and the license expiration date, if applicable.

For information regarding license file management, refer to Configuring the License Server.

Click the licensed feature link to view which users are currently using that license.