HEAT Create Call Block

Configures the voice application to:

Create a new call ticket in the HEAT database

Populate fields in the new call ticket

Link the new ticket to a HEATBoard issue

Run a specified AutoTask.

Assign the new call ticket to a HEAT group

Attach files to the new call ticket

This block is for use only with Ivanti Voice/HEAT configurations. For details, refer to Ivanti Voice/HEAT Configuration.

Coditional Exits

The HEAT Create Call block has one conditional, Error, which the application executes if the application cannot create a new HEAT call ticket. This may happen when one of the following occurs:

The application cannot access the HEAT database.

The connection to the HEAT application is offline.

The block does not supply mandatory ticket fields.


The HEAT Create Call block has the following settings:

Label - Change the name of the block if needed to uniquely identify the use of this block in the application flowchart.

HEAT Connection (Required) - The name of the connection to the HEAT application in which Ivanti Voice creates the ticket. The drop-down list contains the name of all configured HEAT connections.

Interaction Property Name for ID (Required) - The name of the interaction property in which to save the ID of the new ticket.

Customer ID (Required) - The value this block uses to automatically populate the Customer ID field in the new ticket it creates. Enter an actual customer ID, or the Ivanti Voice interaction property containing the customer ID enclosed in percent (%) signs. For example: %PropertyName%. (HEAT call tickets require a value for this field).

Customer Type (Required) - The value this block uses to automatically populate the Customer Type field in the new ticket it creates. Enter an actual customer type, or the Ivanti Voice interaction property containing the customer type enclosed in percent (%) signs. For example: %PropertyName%. (HEAT call tickets require a value for this field).

Call Type (Required) - The value this block uses to automatically populate the Call Type field in the new ticket it creates. Enter an actual call type, or the Ivanti Voice interaction property containing the call type enclosed in percent (%) signs. For example: %PropertyName%. (HEAT call tickets require a value for this field).

Link to Issue ID - The ID of the HEATBoard issue to which this block automatically links the new ticket. Enter an actual HEATBoard issue ID, or the Ivanti Voice interaction property containing the HEATBoard issue ID enclosed in percent (%) signs. For example: %PropertyName%. Leave the field blank if you do not want to assign the new ticket to a HEATBoard issue.

Allow autoclose - Configures HEAT to automatically close the new ticket when the lead ticket of the HEATBoard issue (to which the ticket is linked) closes.

Run AutoTask - Select this option to run a specified AutoTask after the call ticket has been created and committed to the database. If you select this option, the Name and View fields are enabled.

Name - Type the name of the AutoTask that will run.

View - Specify the audience for the AutoTask: Global, Team, or Personal.

Team - If you selected Team in the View field, you must specify which team.

Create assignment - Configures HEAT to automatically assign the new ticket to a group or to an individual.

Group - If you selected the Create assignment option, also enter the name of the HEAT group to which you want to assign the new ticket, or enter the Ivanti Voice interaction property containing the name of the HEAT group, enclosed in percent (%) signs. For example: %PropertyName%.

User - If you selected the Create assignment option, also enter the user name of the individual to whom you want to assign the new ticket, or the Ivanti Voice interaction property containing the user name, enclosed in percent (%) signs. For example: %PropertyName%.

Fields to Prefill

The Fields to Prefill table lets you configure the HEAT Create Call block to automatically populate fields in each new ticket it creates. The Field Name column lists the names of the HEAT ticket fields, and the Field Value column lists the values with which the block populates the fields.

To Add a Field for the Block to Prefill:

1.Either type the name of the HEAT ticket field at the bottom of the Field Name column, or click the browse button next to the empty field and select the HEAT ticket field in the dialog box.

2.In the empty field at the bottom of the Field Value column, type the value with which you want the block to populate the HEAT ticket field, or the name of the interaction property containing the value enclosed in percent (%) signs. For example: %PropertyName%.

3.Click the green + icon.

4.Click the Update button.

5.Click the Commit Changes button.

If the Fields to Prefill table contains HEAT ticket fields you do not want to populate automatically, click the red x icon to remove the HEAT ticket field from the table.

Attachments Table

The Attachments table lets you configure the HEAT Create Call block to automatically attach files to each new ticket it creates. The Description column lists descriptions of the files, and the File Path column lists the locations of the files.

To Attach a File:

1.Enter a description of the file in the field at the bottom of the Description column.

2.In the empty field at the bottom of the File Path column, enter the location of the file you want to attach.

3.Click the green + icon.

4.Click the Update button.

5.Click the Commit Changes button.

If the Attachments table contains files you do not want to attach automatically, use the red x icons to remove the files from the table.

When configuration for this block is complete, click the Update button to apply the settings.