Email Block with OAuth Compatibility

The Email block sends an email. You configure it to send the email with attachments, and you use it with the Record File Block to send recorded voice messages from Ivanti Voice. This application block allows authentication using OAuth 2.0.

Conditional Exits

The Email block has one conditional exit, Mail not sent, which directs the flow of the Ivanti Voice application if the application can't send a message.


The Email block has the following settings:

  • Label: Uniquely identify this block in the application flowchart.
  • Authentication Type: Select OAuth Authentication.
  • Access Token: The access token of the account to be used as the sender.

    For help with access tokens, refer to Microsoft help for Outlook accounts or Google help for Gmail accounts.

  • From Address: The email address to which the access token belongs.
  • Recipient Address: The recipient's email address. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
  • Message Subject: The subject line of the email.
  • Message Body: The text to be sent as a message body. There is no limit on the size of the email.
  • Attachment: Click Choose File to select the attachment file.

    The email block limits the attachment size to 20MB.

  • Filename: This read-only field populates with the name of the attached file.
  • Send notification on failure: Select to send failure notifications to the email address specified in the To Address field.
  • To Address: The email address you use to receive failure emails.

Click Update to apply the settings.