Database Planning and Integrations
Database Planning
Ivanti Voice Database Details explains the Ivanti Voice-created tables in your dedicated SQL database. Use this resource for database-related planning issues. System Administrators are assumed to be experts users of Microsoft SQL Server. Refer to Microsoft documentation for help.
In addition, you may want to integrate other databases with Ivanti Voice, as Ivanti Voice can access databases for caller authentication, customer information, and other purposes.
Integration Options
Ivanti Voice uses an open-integration API to integrate with database-driven applications, such as ticketing and service management. These integrations enable automatic screen pops displaying customer information based on information arriving with a call, such as customer ID and ticket number.
Configuration with Ivanti Products
Ivanti Voice integrates with the following Ivanti products out of the box:
- Ivanti Neurons for ITSM: To configure Ivanti Voice with Ivanti Neurons for ITSM:
- You may install Ivanti Neurons for ITSM either before or after installing Ivanti Voice.
Install the Ivanti Neurons for ITSM client before you install the Ivanti Voice server to avoid having to manually register the configuration component with Ivanti Voice.
- The configuration requires access and administrator rights to the Ivanti Neurons for ITSM Administrator and Call Logging modules.
- You may install Ivanti Neurons for ITSM either before or after installing Ivanti Voice.