Email Block with Basic Authentication

Sends email, with attachments if so configured. This block can be used with the Record File Block to send recorded voice messages from Ivanti Voice. Microsoft deprecated Basic Authentication in 2022. Please see Email Block with OAuth Compatibility to update your Voice Application to use OAuth authenication for emails.

Conditional Exits

The email block has one conditional exit, Mail not sent, which directs the flow of the voice application if the voice application cannot send a message (for example, if the SMTP server is down).


The email block has the following settings:

Label: Change the name of the block if needed to uniquely identify the use of this block in the application flowchart.

Authentication Type: Choose Basic Authentication.

Sender Type: Enables the block to specify sender information in one of three ways:

Specify here: The sender parameters are specified in the subsequent fields Sender Type section (enabled when you choose this option)

Contacts Search Block result: The email parameters will be taken from the Contacts Search block results. The application should position the Contacts Search block prior to the email block.

UM System email: The email will be sent from the Unified Messaging system email account, as specified in the UM configuration. this choice hides all other fields in the Sender Type section.

From Address: This field works in conjunction with the Specify here option of the Sender Type field. The email address of the email sender. Use interaction properties as values by inserting the property between percent (%) signs. For example: %propertyname%.

From Email Name: This field works in conjunction with the Specify here option of the Sender Type field. The display name of the email sender. Use interaction properties as values by inserting the property between percent (%) signs. For example: %propertyname%. If using multiple email addresses, separate email addresses using commas.

SMTP server: This field works in conjunction with the Specify here option of the Sender Type field. The name of the server that would replay the e-mail message for the voice application (interaction properties can be used by inserting them as %propertyname%).

SMTP server port: This field works in conjunction with the Specify here option of the Sender Type field. The port on which the email server sends and receives email for the voice application (interaction properties can be used by inserting them as %propertyname%). The default is 25.

SMTP server username: This field works in conjunction with the Specify here option of the Sender Type field. The username necessary to access the email server, if specified by the system administrator (interaction properties can be used by inserting them as %propertyname%).

Take SMTP password from: This field works in conjunction with the Specify here option of the Sender Type field. Specify the location of the password for accessing the email server, if a password is specified by the system administrator. Do one of the following:

Select the Password field option to configure the block to use the static password you enter in the SMTP server password field (this field appears when you select the Password field option).

Select the Password property option to configure the block to use the password stored in the interaction property you specify in the SMTP Password Property field (this field appears when you select the Password property option). Do not use percent (%) signs; only enter the name of the interaction property.

SMTP server password: This field works in conjunction with the Specify here option of the Sender Type field. The password necessary to access the email server, if specified by the system administrator.

Receiver Type: The block can specify receiver information in one of two ways:

Specify here: The receiver parameters are specified in the subsequent fields (enabled when you select this option)

Contacts Search Block result: The receiver parameters will be taken from the Contacts Search block results. The application should position the Contacts Search block prior to the Email block.

To Address: This field works in conjunction with the Specify here option of the Receiver Type field. The email address of the intended recipient. Use interaction properties as values by inserting the property between percent (%) signs. For example: %propertyname%. If sending to multiple email addresses, separate email addresses using commas.

To Email Name: This field works in conjunction with the Specify here option of the Receiver Type field. The display name of the intended email recipient. Use interaction properties as values by inserting the property between percent (%) signs. For example: %propertyname%. If using multiple email addresses, separate email addresses using commas.

Message Subject: The subject line of the email (interaction properties can be used by inserting them as %propertyname%).

Message Format: Specify the format for email: HTML (default) or Plain text.

Message Body: The text to be sent as a message body. There is no limit on the size of the email (interaction properties can be used by inserting them as %propertyname%).

Attachment File Path: Type the full path to the file to be attached to the email (interaction properties can be used by inserting them as %propertyname%), or type the file attachment location as a URL.

Disposition Notification Address: The address to which mail retrieval notifications are sent. These notifications are used by the Message Waiting Indication to switch off the message waiting light when voice mail is read by an external mail client.

Remove attachment after sending: Configures the voice application to remove attachments from the location specified in the Attachment File Path field. Select this option if sending voice recordings as attachments, and to remove otherwise unnecessary files used with the voice recordings. Note that attachment is removed whether mail is sent successfully or not.

Click the Update button to apply the settings.