Start and Stop Servers

Use the Management Console to start and stop the following Ivanti Voice servers:

Conference Server - Manages agent conferencing functionality.

Contact Center Server - Provides core Contact Center functionality.

License Server - Verifies the license file; keeps track of licensed features and usage.

Media Server - Handles actual voice data transported using RTP (Real Time Protocol) protocol.

Message Server - Manages communication from the Ivanti Voice Integrated Toolbar, used in applications such as ITSM 7.0 to communicate with the Ivanti Voice server.

Reset Password Server - Provides Reset Password functionality.

SIP Server - Also called SIP Soft Switch; provides Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) functionality, conditional call forwarding, and security for endpoints such as telephones and gateways.

SME Server - The Statistics and Metrics Engine server. Generates real-time and historical statistics.

Voice Server - A SIP endpoint that provides telephony and voice functionality to Ivanti Voice applications.

Web Statistics - Provides Web Statistics functionality.

A server must be running to provide the functionality specific to that server.

The Objects pane on the Management Console displays a hierarchy listing the Ivanti Voice installations to which the Management Console connects, as well the Ivanti Voice servers in each Ivanti Voice installation. The server objects listed depends on the installation. For example, if the Integration with Foundation option was selected during installation, the Foundation Sync Server displays; if Outbound Dialer was installed, the Outbound server is listed.

If the Objects pane does not appear on your Management Console, select View > Managed Objects. You can also select View > Group Managed Objects to group servers in the Objects pane hierarchy by either application type or host computer.

The Objects pane uses the following icons to represent the servers:

An online (running) Ivanti Voice server (green).

An offline (stopped) Ivanti Voice server (red).

Expand the hierarchy as necessary to view the icons for each server.

To Start a Server:

Right-click the server icon and select Start Application.

To Stop a Server:

Right-click the server icon and select Stop Application.

To Query the State of an Ivanti Voice Server:

If you suspect that an Ivanti Voice server is malfunctioning, right-click its icon and select Query Application. The Management Console will verify the application state and display the correct icon.

To Stop an Application:

1.Select the voice server in the Objects hierarchy on the left. The Properties pane displays the voice server channels.

2.Right-click the application you want to end and select Kill Application. The application terminates.

Server properties

The Ivanti Voice installer used local system privileges to install all the services. However, it appears that most services just require read/write access to local storage and network communication capabilities. Attackers may be able to take action with local system privileges if there is a vulnerability in any of the services that are operating as local systems. As a result, the privileges of the service account have been modified as follows in accordance with their minimal requirements to perform tasks on the system.

Service name

Service account

IP Office Suite

Local service

IPCM Conference Server

Local service

IPCM Foundation synchronizer

Local service

IPCM License Server

Local service

IPCM Log writer

Local service

IPCM Management Agent

Local system

IPCM Message Bus

Local service

IPCM Message server

Local service

IPCM Message Waiting Indication

Local service

IPCM Reset Password

Local service

IPCM SIP server

Local service

IPCM Statistics and Metric engine

Network service

IPCM Web Portal

Local system

IPCM Web Statistics Provider

Local service

Ivanti Voice Media Server

Local service