Agent Deployment

The Ivanti Neurons Agent is required to use Ivanti Neurons platform. There are two ways to get the agent on to an endpoint:

  • Deploy Agent via manual installation: Select to download the agent and manually install via the command line on each target device.
  • Deploy Agent via Neurons push installation: Select to download the agent and deploy to target devices.

Manually Install Agent

To install an Ivanti Neurons agent manually, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Agents > Agent Deployment, on the Deploy Agent via manual installation tile, click Get started.
    The Manually install an Agent page appears.
  2. Choose your Agent Policy: From the drop-down, select the Agent Policy that you want to assign to the agent, or start typing the name of the policy to filter the drop-down list.
    Agent Policies are created in Agents > Agent Policies.
  3. Choose your Enrollment Key: From the drop-down, select the Enrollment Key that you want to use to register the agent. Alternatively to use a new key, select Create New Key. The Create Enrollment Key panel appears.
    Enrollment keys are created in Agents > Enrollment Keys.
  4. Choose the host endpoint system: Select the operating system for the device on which you are installing the agent: 

After the agent has been installed on the endpoint, the device details are listed in the main menu > Devices.

If you use distribution software (such as Ivanti Endpoint Manager) that sends the arguments separately, remember to remove the agent file name from the copied text before you paste it into the distribution software. For details on how to use Ivanti Endpoint Manager to distribute the Ivanti Neurons Agent, see How to deploy an Ivanti Neurons Agent using Endpoint Manager.

Deploy Agent with Ivanti Neurons

To deploy and install an Ivanti Neurons agent to an endpoint with Ivanti Neurons, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Agents > Agent Deployment, on the Deploy Agent via Neurons push installation tile, click Get started.
    The Deploy with Ivanti Neurons page appears.
  2. Deployment Settings

  3. Agent Policy: From the drop-down, select the Agent Policy that you want to assign to the agent, or start typing the name of the policy to filter the drop-down list.
    Agent Policies are created in Agents > Agent Policies.
  4. Enrollment Key (activations left): From the drop-down, select the Enrollment Key that you want to use to register the agent, or start typing the name of the enrollment key to filter the drop-down list. Ensure you have enough activations left for the number of devices you want to deploy to.
    Alternatively, to use a new key, select Create New Key. The Create Enrollment Key panel appears.
    Enrollment keys are created in Agents > Enrollment Keys.
  5. Deploy From: Select the endpoint to use for the deployment. If there is at least one agent endpoint, with the Deployment capability enabled, the Automatic option is the default selection. You can select a specific endpoint from the drop-down list, or start typing the name of the endpoint to filter the drop-down list. Only endpoints that have the agent installed, with the Deployment capability enabled, are available for selection.
  6. Source Devices

    The Source Devices section lists all devices that have a name, IP address, and operating system in the main Neurons Devices view.

  7. The default list is All Devices. You can filter the list by the following, or use the search to locate a specific device:
    • All Devices (default), default Device Groups: EPM Managed, Cloud Managed, Portable, public Device Groups, or your private Device Groups (created within Devices).
    • With or Without Agents.
  8. Select the check box for each device you want to deploy the agent to.
  9. Click Add to add the selected source devices to the Target Devices section.
  10. Target Devices

    The Target Devices section lists all the devices that you have added from the Source Devices section. These are the devices that you have selected to deploy the agent to.
    The Device name, IP address and Operating system from the Devices record is displayed.

  11. Click Deploy to start the deployment to all the target devices.
    The deployment status can be seen in the Status column on the Agent Management page.
  12. If you need to remove a device from the target list, select the check box next to the device and click Remove. Alternatively, click Remove All to remove all devices from the target list.


    Device credentials are required for the agent to perform actions on a device that require elevated privileges, or to scan for other devices on the network. You can not proceed with deployment until credentials have been added for the relevant OS being deployed to. The Credentials tab is highlighted in red until this is resolved.

  13. Set the credentials for the relevant OS: Windows, macOS, Linux. From the drop-down, select a credential. To create new credentials, select Create New Credential. The New credential panel appears.