Managing Products
Managing a product means that the product is published to Microsoft Intune. We recommend you manage all of your configuration settings through Patch for Intune because any overrides you make in Intune itself will not be reflected in Patch for Intune when future versions are published.
If an installer file is not available as an automatic download from a vendor, it requires sideloading. Sideloading is when an installer file needs to be manually sourced from the vendor. This may happen if a vendor makes only the latest installer available and you want an older version, or if the installer download link is behind a paywall requiring a login to the vendor website. In these instances, manual selection or intervention is required. For information about sideloading in Ivanti Neurons Patch for Intune, see Manage Sideloads.
Configure Management
You can configure the management of a product from the Products tab as described below, or by clicking Configure Management on the product details page.
To manage a product:
- Select the product(s) to manage.
- Select Manage.
This button is disabled if you select a product that is already managed. The Configure Management panel appears. - If the product requires sideloading, Sideloads Required appears at the bottom of the panel listing the required sideloads. You need to address the sideloading before you can proceed.
For information about sideloading, see Manage Sideloads. - In the Configure Management panel, under Assignment Policy, specify whether you want to assign the product to Groups or to a Rollout campaign.
- If you selected Groups:
- Click Configure groups.
The Group Assignments panel appears. - Select the required group(s), then using the buttons above the list, choose the type of assignment. The Available and Required buttons include drop-downs to enable you to choose different options:
- Available - With patching (default): the product is available from the company portal, and will be patched when installed on a device
- Available - Without patching: the product is available from the company portal, but will not be patched when installed on a device
- Required - Patch only (default): if a previous version of the product is already installed on a device, it will be patched
- Required - New installs and patching: if the product is not installed on a device, it is installed and will be patched
- Unassign: removes the group assignments
- If a product supports multiple languages, you can specify installers for specific languages for different groups. Select the required groups, then click Assign Language and select the language required for those groups. For details about setting default languages, see Language Options.
- If you selected Rollout, select the required rollout campaign. For more information, see Rollout Campaigns.
- Under Application Supersedence Policy, specify how to handle the installation of new product versions:
- Offer all versions: supersedence is set to none in Intune, and all versions are available for users to choose from in Intune.
- Offer the latest version: supersedence is set to update in Intune, and only the latest version in each supersedence chain is offered to users. Intune will not uninstall the previous version first, but will just run the product installer. Whether or not previous versions are uninstalled depends on the product installer.
- Offer latest after uninstalling previous versions: supersedence is set to replace in Intune, and only the latest version in each supersedence chain is offered to users. Intune will uninstall the previous version first, before running the product installer. If the uninstall fails, the new install will not be attempted.
- Under New Version Publication Approval specify how to handle new product versions:
- Automatically publish new versions: When a new version of the product becomes available, it is published to Intune automatically without prompting you for approval.
- Manually review and publish new versions: When a new version of the product becomes available, you are prompted for approval. Selecting this option displays a new control that enables you to select which types of version require approval. You can require approval for all new versions, or just for new build versions, minor versions, or major versions. This enables you to automatically approve minor releases or patches, but prevents the publishing of any major updates until you have completed the appropriate testing.
The prompt appears in the New Versions tile in the dashboard at the top of the page and in the Alert column. For more information, see How to Approve New Releases.
- If you want to associate Intune categories with the application or modify the install command, click Publication Options to display the Publication Options panel.
For information about managing Intune categories and modifying the install command, see Publication Options. - Click OK to save the changes.
If you are not using an Intune scope (see Select an Intune scope (optional)), you can select All devices on the Group Assignments panel to assign the product to all Intune enrolled devices. Click Show Assigned to show only groups with assignments in the list, and use the field to search for groups.
If a product does not support Patch only, the option is unavailable and when deployed, the product is offered for installation regardless of whether or not a previous version was detected.
You can configure further Group Options as described in Group Options.
Language Options
If a product has different installers for different languages you can configure which language version of the product is published to each group. As part of this, you can specify a default language for the system and also a default language for each group. These defaults will be used if you do not specify a group-specific language as part of the configuration.
To specify the default language for the system and groups:
- Open Admin > Patch for Intune Settings.
- Under Default Languages, select the language you want to use as the Global Default, then click Save Global Default.
- Click Select Group Defaults.
The Group Language Defaults panel appears. - Select the required groups, then click Assign Language and select the language required for those groups.
- Repeat as required, then click Save.
The default settings are saved and the panel closes. When you first manage a product, these defaults are used to set the language of the installers that are used unless you select otherwise.
For products that are already being managed, the languages are already set and changing the default languages here does not change the languages of the installers being published. To change the language of installers for products that are already configured, you need to change the value specified in the product configuration as described in Configure Management.
Group Options
You can set further group options to configure further settings for notifications, availability, deadlines, and restart options.
To configure the Group Options:
- On the Group Assignments panel, click
then click Available Options or Required Options as required.
The Group Options panel appears. - Under End-User Notifications, specify how end-user notifications are handled:
- Show all toast notifications: The end-user receives notifications for all application operations. This is the default option.
- Show toast notifications for computer restarts: The end-user receives notifications only when a computer restart is required.
- Hide all toast notifications: The end-user does not receive any notifications.
- Under Availability, specify when the product is available to endpoints:
- As soon as possible: The product is available without delay. This is the default option.
- A specific delay: The product is available after the number of days configured in Delay.
- Time of day: The product is available after the number of days configured in Delay, at the specified Time of day. Use
to set a time in increments of 30 minutes, and under Time zone choose between UTC or the time zone of the device where the product is deployed.
- Under Installation Deadline (for Required Options only), configure the deadline for when the product must be installed on endpoints:
- As soon as possible: The product must be installed without delay.
- A specific delay: The product must be installed within the number of days configured in Delay.
- Time of day: The product must be installed within the number of days configured in Delay, by the specified Time of day. Use
to set a time in increments of 30 minutes, and under Time zone choose between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or the time zone of the device where the product is deployed.
- Under Restart Grace Period, configure a grace period when a product installation requires a computer restart to complete:
- Disabled: There is no grace period and the computer restarts immediately after the product installation is complete.
- Enabled: The grace restart period is enabled. Use Device restart grace period to configure the duration, in minutes, of the grace period up to a maximum of two weeks (20,160 minutes). Use Restart countdown dialog to configure how many minutes before a restart end-users are alerted to the event.
- If you enabled Restart Grace Period, under Allow User to Snooze the Restart Notification, specify whether or not end-users can snooze the computer restart. If you choose Yes, then in Select the snooze duration set a value in minutes that is less than the duration of the restart grace period.
- If your Patch for Intune tenant is connected to a Microsoft Intune tenant (or a scope on that tenant) that has appropriate filters available, a Filter Mode section is enabled. You can use this section to select Device Filters from Intune that enable you to include or exclude devices in the assignment.
- Go back to Configure Management and select OK.
The products are now scheduled to be published to Intune. The publication typically occurs within a matter of minutes. Use the Status column in the Managed Products list to monitor the status of the import.
When starting to manage one or more new products, the count on the Managed Products tile is incremented and the count on the Unmanaged Products tile is decremented. However, if the management process fails, the count on the Failed Publications tile is incremented. Select the Failed Publications tile to view which products have failed.
Switch to Intune to verify that the products were successfully added to your Intune environment. At this point you can perform your normal Intune functionality on the published products. For example, view the product properties and perform edits using the existing Intune infrastructure.
Publication Options
If you have the Intune Administrator or Global Administrator role in Intune, the Publication Options enable you to manage Intune categories from within Ivanti Neurons Patch for Intune. The Publication Options also enable all Ivanti Neurons Patch for Intune users to modify the install command, show an application as featured in the company portal, and to specify if icons specified in Patch for Intune are published to Intune.
To access the Publication Options panel, in the Configure Management panel, click Publication Options. To return to the Configure Management panel, click .
Category Assignments
Under Category Assignments, select the Intune categories you want to associate with the application.
To manage Intune categories:
- Click Manage custom categories.
The Manage custom categories dialog appears, showing a sortable list of existing categories with a search box. - To add a new category to Intune, click
A new row appears at the top of the list of categories. - Type the name of the new category, then click
The new category is saved to Intune. Alternatively, clickto cancel.
To rename Intune categories:
- In the Category Names list, click
next to the category you want to rename.
- Edit the name of the category, then click
. Alternatively, click
to cancel.
The category is updated in Intune, including on all applications where it has already been used.
To delete Intune categories:
- In the Category Names list, click
next to the category you want to delete.
After confirming, the category is deleted from Intune and removed from all applications where it was used.
Install Command
All supported products are provided with a tested install command. However, you can modify this if required.
To customize the install command:
- In the Configure Management panel, click Publication Options.
The Publication Options panel appears, showing the current install command and indicating if it has been customized. - Click Customize under the Install Command box.
The Customize Install Command dialog appears. The Base Command field is read-only, and shows the mandatory install command. - In the Parameters box, enter the values you want to use.
The read-only Preview box updates to show the full install command that will be used. - Click OK to save the changes.
The Customize Install Command dialog closes, showing the updated Install Command. Click Restore Default if you want to restore the default command. - Click
to return to the Configure Management panel.
Always test custom commands locally before making them available to your endpoints.
Intune and Company Portal options
At the bottom of the panel are further options:
- Under Featured Application, select Show as featured in the Company Portal if you want to highlight an application as featured in the company portal.
- Under Product Icon, clear Include the product icon when importing into Intune if you do not want to use the icons that are set on the Product page (see Selecting a Product Icon for the Company Portal) in Intune.
Automatic Cleanup of Previous Versions
Some products release new versions frequently, so deleting older versions of these products (see Deleting Products from Intune) can become time consuming. For products such as these, you can enable the automatic cleanup of old versions as part of the Publication Options in the configuration. You can specify the number of versions of a product to retain, and also mark specific additional versions to retain. All other versions will be automatically deleted from Patch for Intune and Intune itself when newer versions become available.
To set up the automatic cleanup of a product:
- On the Configure Management panel, click Publication Options.
The Publication Options panel appears. - Select Enable automatic cleanup.
The Versions to Retain field appears. - In Versions to Retain, enter the number of versions you want to retain.
In addition to retaining the most recent versions, you can select additional versions to retain specifically.
To retain a specific additional version:
- Open the product page for the product.
- For the version you want to retain click
, then click Retain version.
This version will not be automatically deleted.appears alongside the version.
To remove the retention setting, click , then click Stop retaining version.
Manage Sideloads
If the product you want to manage requires sideloading, Sideloads Required appears at the bottom of the Configure Management panel. You need to address the sideloading before you can proceed.
To add a sideload file:
- On the Products tab, select the product that requires a sideload then click Manage.
The Configure Management panel appears. At the bottom of the panel, the required sideloads are shown. - Under Sideloads Required, select the link for the product you want to sideload.
A panel appears that enables you to download the necessary files. - In the Acquire at column, click the link for the file you require.
The appropriate download page appears in a new browser window. - When you have downloaded the required file, click Choose file alongside the file you downloaded, then browse to the downloaded file and click Open.
The file is uploaded to your tenant and the Status changes to show the progress. The file is virus checked and validated to ensure the correct file has been uploaded and has uploaded correctly. When the upload has completed, the Choose file button changes to Clear and you can close the panel and proceed with managing the product.
To remove an uploaded file, click Clear.
You can add a sideload for a specific version of a product by selecting the version on the product page, then clicking Manage sideload.
If a product requires multiple installers, the verification and packaging will not start until all of the files have been provided.
If a publish fails owing to a problem with a sideload, a message appears in the Alert column on the Products tab. Click the alert to access the relevant sideload panel to resolve the problem.