Defining the Detail Level

The detail level allows you to specify whether all actions or only part of the actions are to be logged. We recommend documenting all actions so that you can provide a highly detailed error logging for Support; in this case, please also increase the maximum file size of the log files.

Identification of the actions

Every action can be identified according to the importance of its occurrence:

  • Possible values are 0, 1, 2, E (Error). The value 0 refers to insignificant occurrences, whereas the value 2 refers to actions that are highly important for a process. E stands for errors.
  • E is an error that interrupts or blocks a process. The application is unable to continue running. An error always leads to a warning.
  • Warning: There are no further consequences following this error. The process will continue.

The detail level does not influence the evaluation of the significance.

The display of the errors and warnings sometimes differs from the evaluation of the instance (e.g. the NIInst32.exe). Due to this, the  error may have the value 0 although the log file contains entries on errors.

Setting the detail level

You can specify the logging levels in the DSMC's configuration table in the section Log file settings or in the NetInstall Monitor´s menu bar > Log file Options > Set report level.

  • Select Normal to display all entries with the value 1 (or higher) and E
  • Detailed (Debug) displays all entries, including the value 0
  • Minimal Information only displays entries with the value 2